IAI优秀奖-小容电陶炉 Xiaorong Electronic Ceramic Stove

小容电陶炉小巧便携,与相对应的小容玻璃烧水壶形成蒸煮组合。为了寻求传统与现代的平衡点,炉身每个弧度都使用标准圆形切割,线条十分流畅、饱满,符合中国传统文化和现代设计美感。同时,表面水转印工艺的天然红檀木和黑胡桃木纹装饰,贴近自然,能与家庭、农场、酒店、旅馆、茶水间、餐厅等场景融合。 触控按键,7档调温,用户可以直观地看到温度显示。可以定时煮茶,20分钟无操作自动关机。具有记忆功能,能够记忆前一次设定好的烧水时间、温度和功率。同时还能保温,不用担心“人走茶凉”。采用超高硬度微晶玻璃板,易清洁,经久耐用,结合严密的防泼水构造,防止进水。滚珠轴承风扇,寿命提高,且噪音小,散热效果更佳。采用树脂成型工艺,圆弧外观更容易脱模。 无烟环保的电陶炉,保持室内干净卫生。可靠的小功率持续均匀加热,让茶的味道和颜色蒸煮到恰到好处。

 Xiaorong Electronic Ceramic Stove is small and portable, forming a steaming and boiling duo with the corresponding Xiaorong Glass Kettle. To strike a balance between tradition and modernity, each radian of the stove body is cut with standard circles, thus producing sleek and full lines in conformity with the aesthetics of traditional Chinese culture and modern design. There are water-transfer-printing wood grain decorations of natural red rosewood and black walnuts on its surface, which are close to nature and blend in with various settings such as homes, farms, taverns, hotels, pantries and restaurants. The stove has touch buttons and 7-grade temperature control, with temperatures clearly visible to users. The tea can be boiled at a fixed time, and no-operation for 20 minutes triggers an automatic shutdown. With a memory function, the time to start water-boiling, its temperature and power can be remembered based on the previous setting. The water can stay warm with no concerns about cooling down over time. It also has an ultra-hard glass-ceramic pane which is easy to clean and durable, and prevents water from entering coupled with a tight-knit water-repellent structure. The stove’s ball-bearing fan prolongs its service life with lower noise and better heat dissipation. The resin molding process is adopted and its arc appearance makes it easier to demold. The smoke-free and environment-friendly electric ceramic stove keeps the room clean and sanitary. Its reliable, low-power and continuous even heating boil the tea to achieve a just-right flavor and color.