IAI铜奖-中式复古铝合金门窗Antique Chinese-style Al-alloy Window

我们创造性地将具有现代感的铝合金窗框与中国传统木窗进行了结合,解决了中国传统古建筑木窗工艺复杂且耐用性差的痛点,使窗户在保留传统的审美同时兼具铝合金坚固耐用的优点。室内外窗框、窗扇的设计采用了复古几何造型和木纹肌理,很好的还原了故宫、苏州园林等各派中国仿古建筑风格。纹理走线利落干净,整体观感协调美观。 与传统木窗的纯手工加工相比,我们的产品在生产过程中采用自动化设备加工,大大提高产品质量的同时,拥有更高的生产、安装与维护效率。为了顺应未来智能化家居生活的浪潮,我们的门窗具有智能安全预警功能,当防护结构遭到破坏,可触发警报装置,并且配备了智能语音、手机APP远程控制、风雨感应、PM2.5监测等多种设计模块,誓为用户带来更安全、更舒心的生活体验。

 By creatively combining the modern aluminum alloy window frames with Chinese traditional wooden windows, we have solved the pain point of complex process and poor durability of Chinese traditional wooden windows. The windows thereby can enjoy the sturdiness and durability of aluminum alloy while retaining the traditional aesthetics. The windows frames and sashes of indoor and outdoor are designed with retro geometric modeling and wood texture, which showcase the antique Chinese architectures of various styles such as the Imperial Palace and Classical Gardens of Suzhou exquisitely. The neat and clean texture lines bring about a harmonious and beautiful overall look. Instead of the pure manual processing of traditional wooden windows, automatic equipment for processing products is adopted in the production course. It enables greatly-enhanced quality and also higher production, installation and maintenance efficiency. To keep up with the future trend of smart homes, our products are equipped with a smart security early warning function which can trigger the alarm device in case of damage to the protective structure. Also, the products are armed with a smart voice-actioned system, remote control by mobile phone APP, wind and rain sensing, PM2.5 levels monitoring and other design modules, in a hope to provide users with a safer and more comfortable experience.