S Gym Center

S GYM Center是沐壹设计的新作品,项目位于成都市温江区光华大道三段1599号,集健身空间、娱乐空间及户外儿童主题公园于一体。客户属于创业型,由于事业原因,常年与法国人做生意,更倾向于国外的设计风格,客户自身热爱健身,所以希望能将自己的喜好变为有情怀的事业。 设计过程中,集合了客户的喜好与自身的想法,打造室内健身空间的极简风格。整体高级灰的调性,几何线条铺成空间的基调,自由,个性,时尚的气氛点缀整个空间,营造出一种简约、干净、品质轻奢的感受。主题公园及儿童体适能区域结合儿童爱玩的天性,通过合理的规划,以童趣为设计主线,趣味的空间设计,现浇混凝土的自然形态和生态感的环境直接让孩童感受自然与力量。刘兴伟希望以此打造一个可提供家长及孩子进行亲子交流、运动的场地,在娱乐的同时增强儿童的身心素质等。 奢华是一种心境,极简是一种态度。给人以品质、低调、内敛的印象。金属材料的运用,其延展性、加工性与可塑性,为细节收口处带来了更多的可能性。大量的线条与镜面使用,拉伸了空间,呈现出更为宽敞明亮的视觉效果。且线条的延续性,不仅让空间风格保持一致,还能体现出空间的极简之意。S GYM Center is a new design work of M&Y Design. The project is located at No. 1599, Section 3, Guanghua Avenue, Wenjiang District, Chengdu. It integrates fitness space, entertainment space and outdoor children's theme park. The customer belongs to the entrepreneurial type. Due to business reasons, he does business with the Frenchman all the year round. He prefers the foreign design style. The customer loves fitness, so he hopes to turn his preference into a career with feelings. In the design process, the customer's preferences and their own ideas are gathered to create a minimalist style of indoor fitness space. The overall high-grade gray tonality, geometric lines paved the tone of space, freedom, individuality, fashion atmosphere to embellish the entire space, creating a simple, clean, quality and luxury feeling. The theme park and the children's physical fitness area combine the nature of children's love of play. Through reasonable planning, the child's interest is the main line of design, the interesting space design, the natural form of the cast-in-place concrete and the ecological environment directly let the children feel the nature and strength. . Liu Xingwei hopes to create a venue for parents and children to exchange and exercise, and to enhance children's physical and mental quality while enjoying entertainment. Luxury is a state of mind, and minimalism is an attitude. Give people the impression of quality, low-key, introverted. The use of metallic materials, its ductility, workability and plasticity, bring more possibilities to the details of the closing. A large number of lines and mirrors are used to stretch the space for a more spacious and bright visual effect. And the continuity of the lines not only keeps the style of the space consistent, but also reflects the minimalism of the space.