中西风韵 Eastern and Western Charm

上海,素有“大气谦和、海纳百川”的美誉。这座东方明珠, 她的魅力在于温柔宽广的胸怀,她无限的包容吸引着来自全世界各 地的文化。 本案地处上海浦东。萃取“中国山水”、“中国瓷器”的精髓 作为设计元素与法式、现代、艺术相融新生,让摩登经典更简约现代、自然惬意。 由花园步入地下室,“居人文艺术之地,闲看庭前花开花落,漫随天外云卷云舒”的诗意般生活跃入眼帘。流动飘逸的曲线、时尚现代的线性灯光,几乎贯穿流淌于整个空间之中,似山、似水、似云。亲子区的设计灵感来自于吴冠中的两幅名画——《白桦》、《天光云影共徘徊》,天、地、墙共同构成一幅幅三维中国画。吊顶在灯光的照耀下,仿佛层层叠叠的云栾;绿色环保硅藻泥墙面上,蜿蜒曲折着远山形式的书架,树木层层叠叠,飞鸟若隐若现,灯光巧妙地勾勒出意境,呼应着“树林”中的曲面书柜,孩子们可躺亦可坐。地毯又似水中的倒影,随波荡漾。会客区富有艺术人文魅力,移门又以青花瓷画作的形式融汇于中。远山画作与山石小景环绕于侧,线性灯自然地流淌于书画中…… 由玄关入室,左侧的白色旋弧楼梯仿佛一个巨型雕塑,它旋转而上的模样像极了庞大的身躯跳起轻盈的舞姿,隐藏于扶手内的灯光就是手中挥舞的发光飘带,每一级台阶都由线性灯勾勒,富有节奏韵律般地旋转而上。纯净的色彩与柔美的曲面相得益彰。玄关处的钛金屏风顶天立地,三三两两的小鱼悬挂于空中,寓示了这个大宅幸运吉祥之意,正如中国人常说的,“有福之人居福地”。 步入客厅,仿佛误入了一座雅致的法式小宫殿。灵感来自于爱丽舍宫殿。米灰色护墙板上的雕花图腾是寓示幸运吉祥的卷草纹、贝壳纹,这些经典的法式图纹将自然的元素和谐艺术优美地呈现出来。与窗外密布的绿植相映生辉。地面铺设的湖蓝色与米色相间的地毯,仿佛一汪清澈纯净的湖水。点缀些许同色系的精致高档家具。打造艺术轻奢空间。 拾阶而上,步入二层主人私享空间。根据业主的不同喜好与品味,以不同的真丝手绘中式壁纸与法式护墙板的完美融合来实现不同卧室的韵味,却又令它们相似地呈现出了统一的意境与气质。书房是家庭成员的私人小会所。墙面的艺术画作与地下室、一层的墙面有异曲同工之妙,溶岩灯诉说着时尚语言,这些设计都以自然的景色通过艺术化的笔触而成,地毯的画面也仿佛是墙面画作的倒影般令人充满了无尽的遐想…… 英文: As always, Shanghai is a city famous for its glamour and openness. She is beautifully called oriental pearl for her charm of gentleness and broadness. Her unlimited inclusiveness attracts various cultures all over the world. The location of this case is in Pudong District, Shanghai. It extracts Chinese landscape and porcelain as design elements, combining them with French style,modernity and art to create a brand new feel, which presents the modern classic in a concise and natu- ral way. Walk down from the garden to the basement, what shows up in your vision is a poetic life of living in a place of art and humanities, looking at the flower bloom and wither comfortably, overflowing with celestial clouds transforming across space. The flowing curve and modern linear light is almost crossing the whole space, which looks like mountain, like water and like cloud. The design inspiration of parent-child zone comes from two famous paintings of Mr. Guanzhong Wu,which are White Birch and Light and Shade Pursue their Course. The sky, the ground and the wall form into a 3D Chinese painting together. Under the shining of light, the ceiling looks like layers of cloud. On the green environment-friendly diatom ooze wall, there are winding and zigzagging bookshelves which look like mountains far away. The trees are tiers upon tiers and the birds are partly hidden and partly visible. The light expresses the unique feeling in an ingenious way, echoing bookshelves with curved surfaces among the trees where the children can lie or sit at random. The blanket looks like the reflection in the water, rippling withe waves. The reception area is full of artistic and humanistic charm. The moving door is also integrated in the form of blue and white porcelain paintings which are surrounded by the paintings of distant mountains and tiny scenery of rocks. The linear lamps flow naturally among paintings and calligraphy. Entering into the room through the vestibule, you will see a white rotating stairway which looks like a giant sculpture. The way it rotates upwards looks really like a giant body dancing gently. The light hidden in the handrail is like a shining ribbon waving in the hand. Each step is outlined via linear light, spinning up with rhythm and rhyme. The pure color and mellow surface complements each other. The titanium plate at the vestibule is top to the sky with some fish hanging high on the top, meaning a good fortune will come to this house. Like what Chinese always says, a place of fortune for a lucky man. Stepping into the living room, you will feel like entering an elegant but tiny French palace. Elysee palace is where its inspiration comes from. The carved patterns on the oyster gray dado are floral scrolls and shell patterns which means fortunate and auspicious. These classic French-style pattern expresses natural elements, which are presented harmoniously and beautifully. The trees and plants outside the window complement each other. The carpet on the ground is in a color between lake blue and cream, which is like a pool of pure and clear lake water. Interspersed with a few delicate and classy furniture, then an entry-luxurious art space is forged. Going upstairs, you may step into the private space for the owner. Upon different personal preferences and tastes, the appeal of the sleeping rooms is achieved through the perfect combination of various silk hand-drawn Chinese-style wallpapers and French dadoes, meanwhile, they are shown in a united artistic conception and temperament similarly. Reading room is a private club for family members. The artistic paintings on the wall are like those paintings on the basement and the first floor, and the lava lamp tells in a fashionable tone. All these designs are made of natural scenery with artistic strokes. The picture of carpet also seems to be the reflection of the wall painting filled with endless reverie...