
北京量子信息科学研究院是由政府牵头,联合北京多家顶级学术单位共同成立的新型研发机构。旨在对标世界量子物理与量子信息科技前沿,汇聚全球杰出科技人才及其创新团队,建设量子信息科技综合性实验和研发平台。 介于单位的性质,项目风格既要贴近类似国企单位的沉稳大气风格,又需要考虑科研单位的未来性和国际化。过于多样的空间也给设计带来了一定挑战。 其中: 三层东翼办公区为院长办公区,采用了木饰面和电子调光玻璃的结合,原有的石材地面和木饰面的自然材料形成了温暖近人的空间氛围,带型的软膜天花和电子调光玻璃又增加了空间的科技感和通透感。三层西翼办公为研发开放办公区,办公区和走廊设计了一组墙柜相隔,在分隔办公区与走廊的同时又形成了很好的视线联通。墙柜上开的大小高矮不等方洞形成了两个空间不同高度的视线联系,同时又称为科学家们可坐,可卧,可靠,可放置物件的空间家具。 五层功能以行政和档案存储为主,大面积的实墙和不宽的走廊突增压抑感。 设计采用深色金属饰面,微微的反射增加了走廊的空间感,延续过来的灯带增加了空间的连贯性。 图书馆作为整栋建筑中为数不多的“文化公共性”空间,我们希望他能适当区别于其他的空间风格,为科学家们提供一个可以让他们从习惯性的工作和空间氛围中释放的精神性空间。书架生长至屋顶,和吊顶融为一体,整体的设计使空间更加纯粹,包裹着阅览者,似在树下,似在岩洞里,为读者提供精神上的庇护。 设计在藏书区的书柜上打开了大小不同,形态各异的洞口,几排书架形成了有趣的视线通廊。 瑜伽室和健身房作为为科学家们提供工作之余锻炼身体的场所,设计并没有运用过多装饰,但仍然希望空间轻薄透气,富有运动感。 设计运用自然重力下垂的金属网作为吊顶,通过下垂长度的变化形成了丰富的吊顶变化。 金属材质的运用给运动空间增加了工业氛围,激发运动机能。 英文: The Beijing Institute of Quantum Information Science is a new research and development institution led by the government and jointly established by several top academic institutions in Beijing. The aim is to benchmark the world's quantum physics and quantum information technology frontier, gather the world's outstanding scientific and technological talents and their innovation teams, and build a comprehensive experimental and research platform for quantum information technology. Due to the nature of the unit, the project style should not only be close to the calm atmosphere style of similar state-owned enterprises, but also consider the future and internationalization of scientific research units. Too much variety of space also brings some challenges to the design. Among them: The office area on the east wing of the third floor is the dean's office area, which adopts the combination of wood veneer and electronic dimming glass. The original natural materials of stone floor and wood veneer form a warm and approachable space atmosphere. The belt-type soft film ceiling and electronic dimming glass also increase the sense of science and technology and permeability of the space. The west wing office on the third floor is an open office area for research and development. The office area and the corridor are separated by a set of wall cabinets, which form a good line of sight communication while separating the office area and the corridor. The square holes with different heights and heights on the wall cabinet form the line-of-sight connection of two spaces with different heights, which is also called space furniture for scientists to sit, lie, be reliable and place objects. The functions of the five floors are mainly administrative and file storage, and the large area of solid walls and narrow corridors add pressure. The design uses dark metal veneer, slight reflection increases the space sense of the corridor, and the continuous light band increases the continuity of the space. As one of the few "cultural commonness" spaces in the whole building, we hope that the library can be appropriately distinguished from other space styles and provide scientists with a spiritual space that can be released from their habitual working and space atmosphere. The bookshelf grows to the roof and merges with the suspended ceiling. The overall design makes the space more pure, enveloping the reader, like under a tree or in a cave, providing spiritual protection for readers. The bookcase in the collection area is designed to open holes of different sizes and shapes, and several rows of bookcases form interesting view corridors. Yoga rooms and gymnasiums, as places for scientists to exercise after work, are not designed with too much decoration, but they still hope that the space is light, light, breathable and full of athletic feeling. The design uses the metal net hanging down by natural gravity as the suspended ceiling, and forms rich suspended ceiling changes through the change of hanging length. The use of metal materials adds industrial atmosphere to the exercise space and stimulates the exercise function.