佛山中南?滨江国际样板间Foshan Zhongnan?Binjiang International Model Room

《中庸》道: “致中和,天地位焉,万物育焉”——《中庸》 “和”是一种心平气和,心绪和平恬淡,心象万物各归其界的境界。天和地,山和水,头顶的星空,秩序井然,和谐宁谧。人的一生起伏跌宕,只有时间累积,岁月沉淀,才能让自己和心灵平静下来。用心感悟生活,领悟人生,返璞归真,才能体会到生活真正的美。就像品茶,茶色有无之间,茶味甘苦之间,与无喜怒、无哀乐的心境相契无间。一柱沉香,一盏清茗,心身俱和,此念无着,此心无往,沉淀经历,沉淀思想,让岁月生香。 本案以现代简约的风格、低调内敛,品质中透着性感。让生活远离候机厅与会议室,以高级灰为主色调,加以灰蓝、靛蓝为点缀,在喧嚣世界中寻得一处素静的小小天地,我们追求外物与心灵之“和”,孔伋只言“万物育焉”。 "To the neutrality, the status of the heavens, the breeding of all things" - "The Doctrine of the Mean" "Harmony" is a kind of peace of mind, peace of mind and bleakness, and the mind is like the realm of everything. Heaven and earth, mountains and water, the starry sky above the head, orderly, harmonious and peaceful. People's life is ups and downs, only time accumulates, and years of precipitation can calm themselves and the mind. In order to understand life, to understand life, to return to the truth, to realize the true beauty of life. Just like tea, whether there is brown or not, tea tastes bitter and bitter, and has no relationship with no mood of anger and no sorrow. A column of aloes, a clear and clear, heart and mind, this nothing, this heart has no way, precipitation experience, precipitation thoughts, so that the years are fragrant. The case is modern and simple style, low-key and restrained, and the quality is sexy. Keep life away from the waiting hall and meeting room, with high-grade gray as the main color, with gray blue and indigo as the embellishment, find a quiet little world in the world, we pursue the "harmony" between foreign objects and the soul, Kong Tong only said "everything is breeding."