French sentiment-Taipei 法式情调-台北

闲余,我们渴望自由放逐。在法式灵魂与东方元素交织的情调内涵下, 素简空间的优雅带你进入宁静致远的境域。 洛可可般优雅线条,古典维纳斯般曲线线板,伴随唯美律动的基调, 一切都在平静的气氛中释放本真。 大理石矗立如阿波罗般刚毅,海斯蒂雅依附壁炉轻声呼唤。 鎏金的光影与装饰点缀奢华,娇羞的胭脂粉色空间满铺。糅合灯与自然光的浪漫,低调彰显雅致。 光的自然灵动,投射入温馨恬适的室内空间。褪去浮躁繁华奢靡的恬淡, 华美不显张扬,柔和色彩勾勒庄重大气,简约映射温润儒雅。 淡雅柔情与古典浪漫凝炼出浑然天成的轻奢之美。法式古典融入东方古韵,透过简明舒畅的材质、线条和光线一气呵成。 简洁明朗,优雅恬淡,温润儒雅,这是精神之境。 We are eager to free and exile ourselves in our spare time. Within the connotation of an interwoven style of French soul with Oriental elements, the elegance of plain and simple space takes us into the realm of tranquil peace. Lines as refined as Rococo, line boards with curves of classical Venus, along with aesthetic keynote of rhythm, everything is releasing its ego in quietness. Marble stands erect as resolute and steadfast as Apollo, and Hestia calls softly while leaning against the fireplace. Gold-plated decoration and shadow of light set off luxury, and maidenlike shyness of rouge pink spreads all over the whole space, which mixes the romance of lamps and natural light, and understated elegance is highlighted. Natural agility of light is cast into warm and comfortable interior space. With the indifference to fame or gain that has cast off impetuous, bustling and luxurious busyness, it is gorgeous without ostentation, its soft color outlines solemn dignity, and its simplicity presents mild and learned elegance. The beauty of light luxuries like nature itself is refined from quietly elegant tenderness and classical romance. French classic melts with ancient Oriental style through simple and smooth material, line and light in one take. Brightly clear and simple, refined and indifferent to fame or gain, and mild and learned elegance, this is how the realm of spirit is.