《烟华满城,只取一方》“All the houses in the city, only this one”

本案是柳州永意·山语城的一套新中式风格的样板间,因其在绿水青山之间,设计师将其打造成观山看水,在忙碌都市生活中提供一方流淌着东方静美的心灵休憩之所。 古韵今风,设计只是一个载体,生活才是本真。一捧红枫,温暖喜庆的中国红,在人文山水里散发着热情与丰盛,浓烈却端庄,表达了国人传承下来的美好期许。 新中式的客厅删繁就简,色彩稳重成熟,窗外有山水,窗内有佳人,素色的窗纱,半遮半透之间,仿佛山间林里的云烟勾画出的一幅恬静生活画面,将生活化作了所有的美好向往。日光在林荫里游走,于半山时轻洒余晖,清幽意境娓娓道来。 This is a prototype room with new chinese traditional style in Liuzhou Yongyi Shanyu castle. The design concept: Put the Landscape into the modern city life and to make a peaceful space for the soul after peple finished thire work. Such a good view with green mountains and clear rivers combines Chinese ancient culture with modern design.