澳新假日酒店Aoxin Holiday Hotel

布朗肖在《无尽的谈话》中写道“你渴望用哲学这个名字来暗示的任何东西——本质上是对未知的认知,或者,更一般地,是同未知的关系。” 澳新假日酒店的设计灵感来源于泸州的藏酒洞,一个能唤起强烈探索欲的空间。天然洞穴的神秘引发好奇,山石贯穿了室内外空间,中间断开的缝隙由“峡谷”引申而来,如同岩壁上的沟壑,营造了从峡谷走进洞穴的新奇体验。在已知和未知的两端,处于中间地带的便是感知之门。打开自我的感知之门,直到通过狭窄的裂缝看到所有的事物。大堂是天然洞穴的重新构景,在场域中并置一系列不相连的中空石块,通过开凿洞孔,将石块内部未知莫测的空间释放,形态不一的内部形成了相对私密的半隐形环境,穿过石块的内部和石块之间的间隙,形成开放和围合相交替的连续体验。以天然石材再造自然,为整个空间建立了基本界面,新奇环境在引发记忆的同时,会产生以记忆重组形式出现的经验。使人与空间、空间与空间的关系既独立又相互渗透,这些视觉联系将洞穴的概念和当地城市肌理引申到酒店的内部空间,在泸州形成一个独特的文化载体。藉由这个项目,我们试图在一种更深的层次中,带着物质本来的所有属性,寻找其中已存在的关联,诸如质感与情绪一起被看到。通过各种元素的组合,不仅是通过我们的视觉,更是通过我们的所有感官去理解这个场域的气质。 In " L'Entretien infini" Maurice Blanchot wrote, "What you desire to use the name of philosophy to imply - is essentially a perception of the unknown, or more generally a relationship with the unknown." The design of Aoxin Holiday Hotel is inspired by the wine hiding cave in Luzhou, a place that evokes a strong desire to explore. The mysterious natural cave arouses curiosity. The stones penetrate both inner and outer space, and the cracking gap, extended from the canyon, is like a gully on the rock wall, which creates a novel experience of walking from the cave to the canyon. At the end of the known and the unknown, it is the perception that lies in the middle. Open the door of self-perception until you see everything through a narrow crack. The lobby is a reconstruction of natural cave amongst which places a series of unconnected hollow stones. The unknown and unpredictable space inside the stones is released by excavating the holes, thus forming a relatively private and semi-invisible surroundings, which creates a continuous experience of opening and enclosing through the interior of the stone and the gap between the stone. The hotel recreates nature by natural stone and establishes a basic interface for the whole space, whose novel environment will generate experience in the form of memory recombination while evoking memory, thus making the relationship between people and space, space and space independent and interinfiltrated. These visual connections extend the concept of cave and local urban texture to the interior of the hotel, forming a unique cultural carrier in Luzhou. With this project we try to find the existing connection with all the nature of the substance in a deeper level such as texture and emotion. Also we try to understand the temperament of the project through the combination of various elements, not only through our vision, but also through all of the senses.