
设计师认为,设计存在的最本原的价值,是挖掘客户内心的需求,评断他们的个人气质与审美情趣,并用专业的手法表现出来。这一切,无关风格,只有需求的浪漫表述。 温暖舒适的家,是什么样的?静下心来,闭上眼睛,听听心灵的细述。那就是你想要的最真实最美好的家的模样。每个人心中的家都不一样。我们认真聆听着每个委托人对家的细述。 设计上,我们使用简洁的色系处理空间分隔,主色系黑白灰, 干净精炼,陈述着居住者对生活纯粹的需求。自由倾进的阳光里, 墨绿色的意式简约沙发, 配搭爱马仕橙色单椅, 一抹亮色照亮了空间, 默默倾述着主人精致的生活态度. 拙朴的方形水泥花器, 植种着绿色生命, 为空间注入了勃勃生机. 一切都那么刚刚好. 愿每个疲惫的身心都能找到停驻的心之港湾. 那是家存在的意义. Designer believe that the most fundamental value of design is to tap the inner needs of customers,judge their personal temperament and aesthetic taste,and use professional techniques to show it .All this has nothing to do with style,only the romantic expression of needs. what is a warm and comfortable home like ?Calm down,close your eyes and listen to the details of your heart. That's what you want from the most real and beautiful home. Everyone's home is different. We listened carefully to the details of each client's family. Free sunshine,dark green simple sofa,with Hermes orange chair,a bright color illuminates the space,silently pouring out the master's exquisite attitude to life. Simple square cement flower appliances,planting green life,injecting vitality into the space.Everything is just right.May every tired body and mind be all right.Find the harbor of the heart.That's the meaning of home. In design, we use simple color system to deal with space separation,the main color system is black,white and grey ,clean and refined,which states the residents'pure needs for life.