招商弘阳杭州随塘售楼处 CMSK · Rsun Hangzhou Sino Town Sales Center

设计师着眼于地方文脉,纳运河文化之雅韵,在一方浅水的静谧中晕染整个自然光源,打造出艺术与生活并存的美学空间。 沙盘区 入门处,悬挂在上方的水滴状吊灯,错落有致地倾泻而下,仿若置身于“苍茫一水连空碧,浩渺烟桡向翠微”之中。 洽谈区 艺术肌理装饰画将视线的延伸感诠释得淋漓尽致,洽谈椅简约大气,通达的处理贯穿整个洽谈区的空间格局。 深度洽谈区 水墨画缥缈俊逸的画风与硬装相得益彰,白石,绿松,青瓷,古卷,层层叠叠,却又整齐。大气烘托古典东方意境。 别致典雅的家具采用了灰白色调和超纤维皮质面料,折射出空间独有的人文气息。 山水纹理的自然元素依托水墨晕染的大理石和地毯,提炼出符合现代东方审美的魅力。 轻柔的窗帘被微风吹拂,和靠枕呼应出了视线的朦胧感,寄而心期,意在此间。 英文: Therefore, as approaching the project, the designers drew on local cultural context and charm of the Grand Canal to create an aesthetic, livable and artistic space awash with natural light. Model Display Area Drop-shaped pendant lamps leap into eyes at the entrance, which "flow" down at staggered heights, looking like misty waterfalls, striking and appealing. Negotiation Area The artistic textured painting extends the space visually, and the simplistic chairs are ingeniously arranged, making the circulation smooth. Deep Negotiation Area The ethereal Chinese ink and wash painting match with the interior finishing well. White stones, green pines, celadon porcelain, and ancient scrolls, were arranged in a coordinated way to add classic Oriental ambience to the space. The elegant furniture features grey and white as the main tones and microfiber leather as the main material, showing humanism of the space. The ink and wash marbles and carpets present natural landscape elements, emitting modern Oriental appeal. Curtains also have landscape patterns, echoing with the pillows on sofa and showcasing a hazy view when wind blows. VIP Room The two paintings hung on the wall are textured and integrated into a whole, enriching the sense of layering in the space. Warm wood color and metal generate an elegant and appealing atmosphere under the light. Neat lines frame various surfaces, forming harmonious balance between hardness and softness.