阮文辉 蔡燕彬

1947年的一个夏日, One summer day in 1947, 年轻的伊夫·克莱因坐在法国尼斯的海边, Young yves klein was sitting on the beach in nice, France, 他仰望着头顶蓝色天空说道: He looked up at the blue sky overhead and said: 这蓝天就是我的第一件艺术作品! This blue sky is my first work of art! 此后,世界上诞生了一种极具艺术生命力的颜色----克莱因蓝。 Since then, the world gave birth to a very artistic vitality of the color - International Klein Blue. 如今,这个纯净得令人窒息的色彩被应用到BANlAN美业,美得遗世而独立。 Today, this pure and suffocating color is applied to BANlAN beauty industry, beauty is lost and independent. BANLAN是一家小众、个性,以染烫为主营业务的美发店,新门店坐落于人潮汹涌的东二环泰禾广场,于熙攘中诉说孤绝。 BANLAN is a niche, personality, to dye hot for the main business of hair salon, the new store is located in the crowded east second ring tai he square, in the hustle and bustle of telling isolated. 外立面采用粗犷的清水混泥土,不做冗长的外在修饰,彰显一种富有张力的空间美感;穿梭其间的那一抹蓝,明净而空旷,无限延伸至虚无,饱含顽强的艺术生命力。二者结合,一种特立独行的距离感油然而生。 The exterior facade adopts rough water concrete, without long external decoration, highlighting a space aesthetic feeling full of tension; Shuttle between that a blue, clean and empty, infinite extension to nothingness, full of indomitable artistic vitality. The combination of the two creates a sense of distance. 盒子是一个L型曲径廊道,左侧通往洗、剪功能区,右侧是等候区。设计师对原有结构进行拆解和视觉整合,以嵌入的方式将盒子设置在右侧,既完成了空间建筑感的构造,还能打破原有的狭长形态,为丰富内部功能场域提供更多的可能。 The box is an l-shaped winding corridor, leading to the washing and cutting function area on the left and the waiting area on the right. The designer disassembled and visually integrated the original structure and set the box on the right in an embedded way, which not only completed the construction of the sense of space architecture, but also broke the original narrow and long form, providing more possibilities for enriching the internal functional field. 黑能吸收颜色,也能使色彩更为犀利。克莱因蓝在黑色盒子的包裹下,愈发跃动,拥有可探索的神秘、冰冷的科技感、也埋藏着无限怪诞的种子,带你去向天空、海洋、自由和虚无。置身其中,让人迷失在这片广袤的色调里。 Black absorbs color and makes it sharper. The klein blue moves ever more within the black box, with its mystery to explore, its cold sense of technology, and its seeds of infinite weirdness, taking you to the sky, the sea, freedom and nothingness. Place oneself among them, let a person lose in this vast tonal in. 等候区的桌椅随意摆放,大小不一、颜色深浅变化,类似俄罗斯方块,增加了空间的趣味性。设计者尝试打破传统的枷锁,糅合金属、皮质、漆面等元素,粗犷与细腻、力量与柔美、释放与孤寂在此碰撞共生,可以说是一次设计的变奏! The tables and chairs in the waiting area are placed at will, with different sizes and different shades of color, similar to tetris, which increases the interest of the space. Designers try to break the traditional shackles, mixing metal, leather, lacquer and other elements, bold and delicate, strength and tenderness, release and loneliness in this collision symbiosis, can be said to be a design variation! 与此同时,屏幕上轮播不同主题的SHOW,营造了一派现代、科技的空间氛围。 Meanwhile, shows with different themes are played on the screen in rotation, creating a modern and technological space atmosphere. 山本耀司说过:“黑色拥有谦虚与傲慢两种特质,黑色是慵懒、随性,却神秘莫测的。”墙上的挂画,没有掺杂色彩,也无多余温度,乍一看似发丝,又似汹涌波涛,定义随你! Yamamoto yohji said: "black has modesty and arrogance two characteristics, black is lazy, with the sex, but mysterious. The picture that hangs on the wall, without adulterate color, also do not have redundant temperature, at first look be like hair silk, be like again turbulent waves, the definition follows you! 工作区的灯光处理和动线布局是设计的关键。 The lighting treatment and moving layout of the work area are the key of the design. 室内灯光排布极其讲究,结合方位、模拟自然光保证了无影的工作环境和发色真实度,为客户及美发师带来一个完整、平衡的解决方案。平地而起的镜面和钢板将区域切割成多个隔而不断的模块,同时规避镜像无限反射原理而造成人的视觉判断误差。 Indoor lighting layout is extremely exquisite, combined with the orientation, simulation of natural light to ensure shadowless working environment and hair color true degree, for customers and hairdressers to bring a complete and balanced solution. The flat mirror and steel plate cut the area into several separate and continuous modules, and at the same time avoid the infinite reflection principle of mirror image and cause visual judgment error. 设计师在洗、剪区域之间的墙体下方预留了五个洞孔,室外的光线能够不动声色地进入洗发区,后经克莱因蓝的过滤,轻薄光线在黑暗中交叠、渗透,引导客人行径之余竟有一种欲说还休的美。 Stylist is washing, cut the reservation below the wall body between area 5 holes hole, the light outside can enter wash hair area impassive, after classics klein is blue filter, thin light is in dark fold, permeate, guide the beauty that the guest ACTS has a kind of desire to return to rest unexpectedly. 《阴翳礼赞》中提及:“美并不存在于物体本身,而是存在于物体与物体所产生的阴翳的图像和层次之中”,此情此景如是。 "Beauty does not exist in the object itself, but in the image and gradation of the object and the shadow it produces," it is said in "the praise of the shadow". 设计师通过对空间重新组织,打破传统美发店的条条框框,注入三大旋律:神秘、科技和专业,不断变奏、融合,编织出符合客群需求的空间序曲。 Designers through the re-organization of the space, break the rules and regulations of the traditional hair salon, inject three major melodies: mystery, technology and professional, constant variation, integration, weaving a space overture to meet the needs of customers. 至此,BANLAN不再是单一的美发店铺,更像一个传播美学的艺术空间,帮助品牌延伸出一段关于设计与体验的全新旅程。 At this point, BANLAN is no longer a single hair shop, more like an art space to spread aesthetics, help the brand extend a new journey about design and experience.