长沙高尔夫中式合院H-3软装设计 Greentown · Changsha Golf Chinese-style courtyard H-3 apartment type - elegant

中文:位于长沙高尔夫小镇的中式合院样板间,便是依赖在这一理念下设计的,空间讲述了一种 “安逸,闲适,享受”为要义的生活哲学。 素雅新中式,回归东方,五千年的传统文化是一笔宝贵的财富。色彩上以咖色驼色为基础色调,象征东方的黛蓝和朱砂红作为点缀色,给空间增加层次。棉麻、藤的材质也是历史沉淀下来的一种文化,更是一种雅致精神的代表。 体现高雅的生活方式与礼制之道,更加提炼出经典元素加以简化和丰富,家具形态更显简约与流畅,空间配色以自然大地色系主导整个空间,再加以沉稳、静逸的灰色与蓝色作为点缀,营造安静、奢华的空间感受。装置画采用借景的手法,仿佛从木隔栅外看到室外一片绿色景象。 英文:The Chinese-style courtyard model room in Changsha Golf Town is designed to rely on this concept. "Easy, leisure, enjoy" is the philosophy of life. The elegant Chinese style, returning to the East, the traditional culture of 5,000 years is a valuable asset. The color is based on the color of the camel color, which symbolizes the indigo of the east and the cinnabar red as the embellishment color, adding a layer to the space.The material of cotton and vine is also a culture that has been precipitated in history, and it is also a representative of elegant spirit. Reflecting the elegant way of life and ritual, it refines the classic elements to simplify and enrich, the furniture form is more simple and smooth, the space color matching dominates the whole space with natural earth color, and then calm and quiet gray and blue as an embellishment, it creates a quiet, luxurious space.The device painting uses the technique of borrowing the scene, as if you see a green scene outside from the wooden grille.