泰兴颐和府售楼处软装设计 Taixing Yihe government sales office design concept description

中文:本案带有民国后期摩登海派文化风情的新派中式后现代,填补了具有浪漫异域风情的国际化中式这一空白,又继承了上海滩曾经辉煌一时的摩登时代。追忆逝水年华为本案的主题。 我们提取了民国后期的皮箱,老式电话,复古留声机,做旧的皮革。。。。等元素,营造出当时摩登海派文化风情。 整体空间以稳重大气的灰色调为主色调,我们在空间中运用带有岁月感的复古绿色和暗红做为小部分调色,在材质上运用有品质感的皮革,有时代感的绒布,部分复古的黄铜质感来做整个空间的点缀。 入口等候区主题定位徐志摩的我等候你——我们营造出午夜的旧上海,霓虹交错,洋楼林立,繁华的十字街口,有轨电车静静的经过,女子静静地倚着路灯,等待着那个人,最是那一低头的温柔。复古的路灯,做旧的皮箱,和有岁月感的电话亭很好的运用。 沙盘区的装饰柜诠释了海派吸纳百川的特点,将西洋的造型采用中式木纹与现代轻奢完美碰撞,旗袍纹样融入瓷器中,做成装置艺术,和留声机一起,轻轻地,讲述着时代的故事。 Vip洽谈区整体色调以灰为主体,跳跃一些复古的绿。硬装背景为西洋的木饰面造型,与具有强烈中国风的瓷盘结合。碰撞出属于当时的文化。 英文:This case is a new-style Chinese post-modern with the modern style of the modern Shanghai culture in the late Republic of China. It fills the gap of the internationalized Chinese style with romantic exoticism, and inherits the modern era when Shanghai Beach was once brilliant, recalling the theme of the passing of the past. We extracted the luggage of the late Republic of China, old-fashioned telephones, retro phonographs, and old leather....and other elements, to create the modern style of the modern Shanghai culture. The overall space is dominated by the steady tone of gray, and we use retro green and dark red with the sense of age as a small part of the color in the space, using quality leather on the material, a period of flannel and Part of the retro brass texture to make the entire space embellish. Entrance waiting area theme positioning Xu Zhimo’s I am waiting for you - we create the old Shanghai at midnight, neon staggered, foreign buildings, bustling cross street, quiet passage of the tram, women quietly leaning against the street lights waiting for that person, the most gentleness of that bow. Retro street lights, old suitcases, and telephone booths with years of experience are good. The decorative cabinet in the sand plate interpretation of the characteristics of the Shanghai school to absorb the hundreds of rivers, the Western style is perfectly collided with the Chinese wood grain and the modern light luxury, the cheongsam pattern is integrated into the porcelain, made into the installation art, together with the phonograph, gently tells the times s story. The overall tone of the VIP negotiation area is gray as the main body, jumping some retro green.The hard-wearing background is a Western-style wood veneer that combines with a porcelain plate with a strong Chinese style, collided with the culture that belonged to the time