索迪斯北京办公室项目 SODEXO Beijing Office

项目地点:北京市朝阳区国际电子城6号楼18层 /18F, Building 6, International Electronic Center, Chaoyang District, Beijing /1095 M2 /2019.01 -2019.04 /设计施工Design & Build 本案以其咖啡品牌艾啡朵入驻办公室的概念破题,前台区域与咖啡吧、茶水间合为一体,创造休闲工业风。The front area is integrated with a coffee bar and a pantry to create an open, comfortable and flexible office environment. Infinity金碧结合SODEXO索迪斯“生活质量”的服务理念,本案以其咖啡品牌艾啡朵入驻办公室的概念破题,前台区域与咖啡吧、茶水间合为一体,创造出开阔舒适、灵活专注的办公环境。色调采用经典黑白灰色系,结合木色,在冷调中增添温润,同时家具配饰鲜明色彩的点缀,在枯燥单调中找寻新意。材料上采用金属网、木地板、不绣钢、穿孔铝板、白色瓷砖等意指现代工业风,在此之上铺以灯光渲染,营造休闲舒适感。天花大胆运用了不同的几何图形和不同木质,错落有致,勾勒规则,呈现耳目一新、时尚脱俗的气质。接待大厅区域的两间会议室选用了移动隔墙,根据需要可以合并成大会议室或培训室,如果需要举办party或gathering时,可以把移动隔墙全部打开结合接待大厅和茶水吧区域,让空间得到最大化的灵活运用。 新式办公场所设计意在为偶遇和快速协作创造机遇。一个良好的办公环境能够通过提高员工的工作效率和积极性,从而帮助企业提高创造力和竞争力。 "Infinity Design and Engineering" did this project reflecting SODEXO's service concept, “Quality of Life" also combining it with a coffee shop. The front area is integrated with a coffee bar and a pantry to create an open, comfortable and flexible office environment. The color scheme is classic black and white, combined with wood color, adding warmth to the cold tones, while the furniture and accessories are decorated with vivid colors, providing some new ideas in the everyday monotony.