
新空间、新大思、新使命 New Space , New Dasi , and New Mission 2019,大思新元年 2019 , the New Start of Dasi 品牌升级 The brand upgrading 团队扩建 The team expanding 服务提质 The service improving 办公新迁 The office-room relocated 大思设计,致力于空间设计服务, Dasi Design , devote to the interior design 旨在“设计未来空间,让生活更美好”, The Vision of Dasi is designing the future space , and leading the better being 愿力所至,是责任的担当与自我的提升。 And we wish to make efforts to our customers and upgrading them and us ———— 新词汇,诠释新大思 ———— --the New Thoughts of Dasi 留白 Keep the Heart Clear “虚室生白,吉祥止止” In the clear room , the Sunshine can be seen more limpid , and good news arrive more often 思创无境却止于至善 We keep our heart clear to create more and more high quality design for our customers , until it fulfill their requirement . 空色 The Soul and the Mortal life “色就是空、空就是色” No one can separate the soul and the mortal life 哲学俗用的平衡艺术 As artist , with the help of philosophy , we work for the balance of your life and job 简爱 Simplicity and Kindness 秉持返璞归真、以人为本的思想 Always , we recover to our original simplicity and keep people-oriented “大道至简”,“仁者爱人” The great thoughts make everything the most simply , and the benevolent love every one 有爱才有优秀的作品 Treat the world with kindness , and the good works will emerge 新大思办公空间是为了履行新使命 New Dasi Office Space , for the New Mission 凝聚大家的信任与希望 Meet the customers’ trust and affection 大视觉 The whole View 小细节 And any detail 都倾注大思团队的专业精神 The team of Dasi work professionally 正是 It means 广大精微 思创无境 Grand , Great , Neat , and Subtle , are all our pursue