大思设计|海逸一号复式私宅/DS.DEAIGN Haiyi No. 1

项目背景: “海逸一号”位于潮州大道中轴线中心点右侧,是比较高端的楼盘之一;园区整体由加拿大名师执笔,设计语言大气,简约而富有美感。 Project Background: Haiyi No. 1 is located on the right of the central point of the central axis of Chaozhou Avenue, which is one of the rather high-end buildings. The area is designed by the master of Canada. The idea of design is elegant ,simple and beautiful. 业主印象: 黄先生是一位企业家、投资人、同时也是一名资深的产品设计师;说话语速不快,文字不多,信息却很饱满,总能抵达事物之本质;本案前期的沟通,在风格,表达手法,材质等,业主并没有具体的指向性,只是简约的表达了一些对生活的感悟和空间的理解。 Impression of Owners: Mr. Huang is an entrepreneur and investor, and a senior product designer. He talks slowly and rarely but full of information. He can always refer to the essence of things. At the beginning, the owners don’ t have a specific direction on style,expressive technique and materials, when they communicate with us. They simply express some understanding about life and space. 设计理念:“这样就好” 与其说“我要这个”不如说“这样就好”。很多奢侈品牌更擅长打造:“我要这个”的客户消费意识,这种指向性的渴望与追求,就像个性边界的宣言,很快就会走到尽头,虚位以待的是索然无味; Design Concept :That's all right. We tend to be “That's all right” rather than “I love this one.”Many luxury brands are good at creating “I love this one.”,but this means some certain eagerness and pursuit,just like declaration of personality boundaries.They can’t go far away in the future.What they wait for is flat and insipid. 而大思认为“这样就好”更好,克制之余是真实价值的回归。不跟风逐流,更没有具体的风格界限,以更开放的思路来驱动整个案子的展开,更专注“使用的功能”与“人性的触觉”。 However, Dasi prefers “that’s all right.”concept. We pay attention to the return of real values. We don’t follow the popular trend and never have specific boundaries. We open our minds to create the whole case to pay more attention to “the function of use and human touch.” 时空的探索 科学、经济高速发展,人的基因却还停留在几十万年前;我们发明了钢筋水泥,发明了的“房子”,而基因里向往的,依旧是那些原始的元素; Exploration of time and space With the rapid development of science and economy, human genes still remain hundreds of thousands of years ago.We invented reinforced concrete and houses, but our inner heart still seek the original elements. 造旧自然,人性回归。 哑光斑驳、造旧感的灰色水泥砖、小规格木纹砖的“人”字拼排,概括空间的冷暖质感,回归人性的底层精神诉求。 Return of humanity and nature Matte and old grey cement bricks, as well as “ren character” which are made up of little wood bricks cover the texture mixed with coldness and warmth. They represent the return of the bottom spiritual appeal of human nature. 空间的减法 很多时候你想要的,可能是一种“伪需求”,空间与时间无疑是最稀缺的资产,减繁去伪,释放拓宽时空的隧道,以便容纳更多美好。 The subtraction of space Sometimes what you want is usually a false pursuit.There is no doubt that space and time is the scarcest assets. Get rid of complex and false factors can enlarge the space and time to hold more beauty. 分享爱的“场” 如果家是爱的容器,吧台无疑是一个最有爱的“场”。 Share the love space. If house is a container of love, the bar counter must be the most loving area in your home. 书房,一本万利的空间。 良好的采光,简约轻快的搭配,或坐或躺,以便更畅快的游阅书海。 Study is the space for relaxation. Good light and some simple matches can make you comfortable for reading no matter you sit or lie in it. 卧室,精力的源料工厂。 好好的睡觉才能更好的工作,而简单、素雅、安静则是卧室空间的关键要素。 Bedding room is like a factory of energy. Good sleep will give you enough energy to work . And simpleness , elegance and peace are the most important key factors. 享受假日的慵懒,让时间变得更慢一些。 复式二楼连通天面,与天相连,最接近自然,阳光、云彩、星空触手可及。 Enjoying the relaxation of your vacation will pass the time comfortably. Compound second floor connected with skyline can make you closely touch nature, sunlight, cloud and stars.