澳海·富春山居销售中心 Aohai·Fuchun Resort Sales Center

一扇门,见一个世界;一方地,载一种心境。背靠千年山脉,享云山碧水。 山水云间的意境正是现代都市人的心之所往。 设计师通过突出各空间的穿插关系,让各空间既独立又融合,展现现代文化与东方意境碰撞后产生的美感,并呈现传统特色品质,诠释空间的意境与惬意。 设计将真正的尊享藏于每个细节,通过材质的光感隐透简净高雅的质感美学。阳光和煦,洒落一地,大理石台面折射出隐隐光华,饱满的沙发像海绵一样吸收着阳光的温暖,此间乐,不思蜀。 A door, see a world;On one side, carrying a state of mind;Back to the Millennium Mountains, enjoy the clouds, mountains and rivers. The artistic conception between mountains, rivers and clouds is exactly what modern urbanites aspire to. By highlighting the interpenetrating relationship of each space, the designer makes each space independent and integrated, showing the aesthetic feeling of the collision between modern culture and oriental artistic conception, and presenting the traditional characteristic quality, annotating the artistic conception and comfort of the space. The design hides the real respect in every detail, through the light sense of the material, the simple and elegant texture aesthetics is hidden. The sunshine is warm and sprinkles on the ground. The marble table reflects a faint glow. The full sofa absorbs the warmth of the sunshine like a sponge. It's a happy place without thinking about Shu.