
疯椒鱼人STORE,一家致力成为新鲜剁椒鱼头潮流的开创者的餐饮品牌,首创用“快时尚”的方式打造剁椒鱼头的品牌文化,让吃鲜椒鱼头,在快时尚商店的新场景里,变成时尚与潮流。 Fish-up Store is a restaurant brand dedicated to leading the trend of fresh steamed fish head with diced hot red peppers. It has created the brand culture of the dish in a "fast fashion" way, so that eating fresh pepper fish head has become a fashion and trend in the new scene of fast fashion stores. 在设计上,创造了一个穿着潮流时尚服饰、用裁纸刀的方式剁出鱼头美味奥义的形象和故事。并且以潮流街头的排版方式结合IP进行传播,拉开与传统湘菜店铺的视觉感受。 In design, it has created an image and story of wearing trendy fashion clothes, chopping out delicious meaning of the fish head with a paper cutter. It is spread in the trendy way of street typesetting with IP, drawn away from the visual perception of traditional Hunan restaurants. 在菜单上,将传统的点菜方式革新,通过快时尚TEE的展示方式呈现菜单,而选菜的体验流程融合了购买衣服的流程,让消费者拥有强烈的话题与传播点。 In menu, it has innovated the traditional way of ordering, presenting the menu through the fast fashion TEE display mode. The experience process of choosing dishes combines the process of buying clothes, enabling consumers to have a strong topic and pickup point. 空间呈现上,通过霓虹灯,潮流陈设,视觉装置,以及不锈钢混搭空间材质,将潮流服饰店的感受全盘呈现。让消费者感受到在潮牌店内就餐,感受剁椒鱼头的新世代美味力量。 In space presentation, it has presented the feeling of trendy apparel shop in an all-round way, with neon lights, trendy furnishings, visual devices, and stainless steel mix space materials, allowing consumers to enjoy the delicacy in a fashionable restaurant environment in a new era.