乐领·旗山侠隐 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

“旗山侠隐”位于浙江遂昌,一个背倚九龙山千尺绝壁,拥有侠客尚武传统的茶园村。名为“茶园”,其地理格局“左旗右枪”,而“旗枪”或“枪旗”正好是好茶叶的代名词。《牡丹亭》:一旗半枪金缕芽。罗姓祖先发现这个世外桃源时,就是一个卖碗卖瓷器的,从龙泉宝溪那边批来瓷器,挑回去一路贩卖,走到对面山上时,发现了这个风水宝地,于是决定定居于此。长年与世隔绝,藏着许多传说与传奇。四百年来,汤显祖笔下《牡丹亭》的故事在这片大隐于世的土地上悠然传承。如今,乐领来到这里,在保留原始生态和建筑外观的前提下加入现代建筑元素,将山村改造为居民与来客混居的旅居生态村,目前开放14栋房子、35间客房。 万境设计用独特的“诗化的戏剧语言”进行软装陈设,融入当地自然乡土景色,采用当地自然之材和传统匠人技术,一桌一几皆为原木,悉数纯手工打造,配以当地制作的黑陶用具,运用现代的设计手法去呈现他们本来的样子,保留历史的气息,留住这片土地的性灵。这是对返璞归真最直接的解读。 整个设计将艺术品及有着历史沉淀的物件融入室内的新旧对话中,保留原始古朴文化与气质,兼具功能与现代舒适品味。客房内全部使用当地特色的竹子和绿植为装饰元素,师法自然,与窗外景色遥相呼应,置身其中,能细微体察到四季的变化。 每一根旧梁柱、老砖墙,旧土墙,每一件手工打磨的家具都支撑着醇厚的过往,与室外的田园诗画一起,撬动桃花源般的理想生活方式。 “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”is located in Suichang, Zhejiang Province. It is a tea garden village with a thousand-foot cliffs of Jiulong Mountain. Named "tea garden", its geographical pattern "left flag right gun", and "flag gun" or "gun flag" is just synonymous with good tea. "Peony Pavilion": a flag and a half guns. When Luo’s ancestors discovered this paradise, they sold a bowl of porcelain. From the Longquan Baoxi side, they came to the porcelain, picked it up and sold it all the way. When they walked across the hill, they found this feng shui treasure, and decided to settle here. Isolated for many years, there are many legends and legends. For four hundred years, the story of Tang Xianzu's "Peony Pavilion" has been passed down on this land that has been hidden from the world. Nowadays, Le Ling came here to add modern architectural elements while preserving the original ecology and architectural appearance, transforming the mountain village into a residential eco-village with residents and visitors. Currently, 14 houses and 35 rooms are open. Wanjing Design uses a unique “poetic drama language” for soft furnishings, blending into the local natural scenery, using local natural materials and traditional craftsmanship techniques, all of which are made of logs, all hand-made, with local The black pottery utensils produced use modern design techniques to present their original appearance, retain the breath of history, and retain the spirit of this land. This is the most direct interpretation of returning to the truth. The whole design incorporates art and historical objects into the old and new dialogues of the interior, retaining the original quaint culture and temperament, combining functionality and modern comfort. All the rooms use bamboo and green plants with local characteristics as decorative elements. The natural and natural scenery, echoing the scenery outside the window, and being able to see the changes of the four seasons. Every old beam, old brick wall, old earth wall, and every hand-polished furniture support the mellow past, together with the outdoor idyllic paintings, to stimulate the ideal lifestyle of peach blossoms.