居·和 Live and Harmony
广州市大器舫 装饰设计有限公司

家,需要有方圆之规矩,正善之礼教; 家,亦要有端庄之尊荣,和美之寄愿。 - 概述 客户诉求 方 是为人之本,圆 是处世之道; 清正境内,详净当空, 生然花开,意象尊荣; 恰如玉兰枝上始开繁花,出生新芽, 那么春天也就已经到来了; 且在天的中央,正月之上, 映澄居室其端庄尊荣, 宁静祥和的惬意景象。 - 概述 设计理念 设计说明: 全居室天顶和地面通过简约的造型及材料形成空间的上下装载层,墙面及软装造型及比例大小适中,疏密分明,故让空间方正至于,张弛有度。 全居室大幅面的烟白色天顶,烟灰色地面及部分墙面,深灰褐色固装木作,让空间主层次分明,黑白灰均衡调和,从而显露空间端庄沉稳的基本气质; 软装颜色一方面顺应空间主材色调,以织品大幅面素简颜色进一步提升空间主层次;另一方面则以桃红柿黄古铜金,粉绿新绿荷叶绿,湖蓝苍蓝深灰蓝等高饱和度的颜色整体渲染居室品赏谐和的生活气息; 青花瓷,官窑瓷,大漆器,国画粤绣等中国传统符号的艺术元素融入居室,从而提升居室的艺术品位;印度小叶紫檀,台湾金钻罗汉松,日本吊钟,仿真玉兰,红枫等植物元素的放置亦让居室滋长生息。 居室整体设计造型,色彩及符号元素等最终构成繁简相呼,点线面相应的融合关系;且让居室浑然自成一幅 天地清宁 四方生盈 的生活画像。 The family must have the rules of the right conduct, and the etiquette of the right kind. The family must also have dignity and honor, and the good wishes. - Overview customer needs Rules are the foundation of being a human being, and sophistication is the way of life. Clean and tidy space, the lively scene of flowering is very valuable. Just like the flowers on the magnolia branch begin to bloom and grow sprouts, that means spring has arrived. In the middle of the sky, above the moon, set off the dignity and elegance of the living room, showing a quiet and peaceful scene. - Overview design concept Design Notes: The zenith and the ground of the whole room form the upper and lower loading layers of the space through simple shapes and materials. The proportion of the wall surface and the interior decoration shape is moderate, and the density is clear and distinct, so it seems that the space is square and there is a degree of relaxation. The large-scale smoked white zenith of the whole room, the smoky gray ground and part of the wall surface, the dark gray-brown solid wood fixed furniture, make the spatial main hierarchy clear,the black and white ash is balanced and harmonious, thus revealing the dignified and steady basic temperament of the space. On the one hand, the color of the interior decoration conforms to the color of the main material of the space, and use the large-format plain color of the fabric to further enhance the main level of space. On the other hand, the use of pink, persimmon yellow, bronze gold, pink green, new green, lotus leaf green, lake blue, pale blue, dark gray blue and other high-saturation colors to overall render the living atmosphere of the room to enjoy the taste appreciation and harmonious. Blue-and-white porcelain, official kiln porcelain, large lacquerware, Chinese painting,cantonese embroidery and other traditional Chinese symbols are integrated into the living room, thus enhancing the artistic position of the living room; Indian lobular rosewood, Taiwan golden diamond Luo Hansong, Japanese bell flower, artificial magnolia, red maple and other plants The placement of the elements also allows the living room to grow. The overall design of the living room, color and symbolic elements, etc., ultimately form a complex and simple echo each other relationship, the corresponding fusion relationship between the point and the line; and let the living room become a life portrait of the reiki around, heaven and earth are quiet.