顺辉瓷砖·丹青馆(Shun Hui Tile ? Danqing Museum)

“音乐是流动的建筑,建筑是凝固的音乐”。这是一次关于建筑、音乐和丹青石砖在临时展馆中的表达试验。设计师糅合建筑、自然、秩序、几何以及模数等概念,将丹青两色应用到空间和陈设上, 赋予企业和丹青石砖音符般活跃的生命力,为观者打造一场视觉盛宴,也让观者领略丹青石砖塑造多样空间的[可能性]。 自然逼真的丹青石砖能直接作为[器具]使用:接待台、书画桌、瓷画、工艺品等等,以不断创新的科研技术为推动力,满足于不同用户群体对[美好生活的向往]。 [“空间在演奏,瓷砖会说话”]是参观顺辉丹青馆的最大体验。 "Music is a moving building, and architecture is solidified music." This is a test of the expression of architecture, music and Danqing bricks in the temporary Pavilion. The designers combine the concepts of architecture, nature, order, geometry, and modulus to apply the two colors of Danqing to space and arrange art decoration, giving enterprises and the vitality of Danqing brick notes, and creating a visual feast for the viewer. Also let viewers appreciate the variety of space created by Danqing bricks[ Possibility] And ... The naturally realistic Danqing brick can be used directly as [Appliances] use: Reception tables, calligraphy and painting tables, porcelain paintings, handicrafts, etc, with the continuous innovation of scientific research techniques as the driving force, satisfied with different user groups [The longing for a better life] and ...... [ "The space is playing and the tiles can talk"]. It is the biggest experience to visit Shun Hui Dan Qing Museum.