M+Y | 道格韦恩GYMCenter

道格韦恩浅水半岛位于成都市成华区欣然一街5号,设计师刘兴伟从全新的视角剖析空间,在设计上化繁为简,以简洁明朗的线条结构,搭配优美弧线的旋转楼梯,展现空间的简洁与精致。 入口即为空间的序言,门头使用弧形造型,在明亮、兴奋的橙色与灯光的结合下,给消费者留下深刻的视觉冲击感。接待区是开端,立于穹顶之下的接待区及等候区域,将室外与室内完美过渡。运动区域是故事的中段,顶面的柔和灯光,引导着故事的发展,而休息区则是故事的结尾。建筑本身硬朗的质感,搭配透明有色玻璃,有点活空间之意;橙色更是贯穿空间每个角落,塑造一个活力四射的运动场地。反光材料的使用,拉伸了空间的延展性。以简约的风格塑造了一个打造一个时尚健康,动感炫酷的运动环境。Doug wynn shallow water peninsula is located in chengdu chenghua district xinran first street no. 5, designer liu xingwei from a new perspective analysis of the space, in the design of simple complex, with a simple bright line structure, with a beautiful arc of the spiral staircase, to show the simplicity and refinement of the space. Entrance is the foreword of the space namely, door head USES arc modelling, below the union of bright, excited orange and lamplight, leave deep visual impact sense to consumer.Reception area is the beginning, standing under the dome of the reception area and waiting area, the perfect transition between outdoor and indoor.The sports area is the middle part of the story, and the soft lighting at the top guides the development of the story, while the rest area is the end of the story.The tough texture of the building itself, matched with transparent colored glass, has a little meaning of living space;Orange is running through every corner of the space, shaping a vibrant sports ground.The use of reflective materials stretches the ductility of the space.To create a simple style to create a healthy, dynamic cool sports environment.