山东邹城云梦湖小镇售楼处Shandong Zoucheng Yunmeng Lake Town Sales Office

在形式上,设计师尝试着将传统的意识转化为一种具有现代化理念的表现手法,探究东方文化在当下现代生活意境中的存在价值。 功能:入门的多功能空间,与端景融为一体,兼接待等候与书吧的功能,让脚步不自觉放慢。穿过隔断两侧的走廊,驻留于沙盘区感受蓝城的文化内涵,同时有着儒学“和合之美”的内廊道,将各具特色的不同空间衔接环绕其中。内观与外敞,形成不同的属性空间。行至环保创意体验馆,让你不禁想触摸停留在室内绿叶上的一束光,感受暗藏于植物中的现代科技美学,实现人与自然的互动。紧邻在旁的孟子讲堂,童音声声入耳,显示着知识书海的力量。如同穿越在现代与传统、动与静的一幅风景画中。仿佛人在景中,景在画中。 In terms of form, the designer tries to transform the traditional consciousness into a expression method with modern ideas, and explores the existence value of oriental culture in the current modern life conception. The multi-functional space for entry is integrated with the end view, and it also receives the function of waiting and book bar, so that the pace is not consciously slowed down. Passing through the corridors on both sides of the partition, residing in the sand plate area to feel the cultural connotation of the blue city, and at the same time having the inner corridor of Confucianism and the beauty of harmony, the different spaces with different characteristics are connected. Vipassana and external openness form different attribute spaces. Going to the eco-creative experience hall, you can't help but want to touch a beam of light that stays on the indoor green leaves, feel the modern scientific aesthetic hidden in the plant, and realize the interaction between man and nature. Immediately next to the Mencius lecture hall, the child voice sounded in the ear, showing the power of the knowledge book sea. It is like crossing a landscape in modern and traditional, moving and quiet. It seems that people are in the scene and the scene is in the painting.