大理壹号院 \ The One Mansion,Dali

本案是云南大理地区备受瞩目的年度明星项目,面对苍山洱海和千年的在地文化,我们的设计师在1300多平米的空间里开启了一次前所未有的时空探索。 入境:物镜相融天圆地方 —— 彩云之南的 大理 大理自古以来就是天高海阔的遥远存在,山海相依的地貌,低纬度的高原地区酝酿出独特的水纹地相,中国传统文化中天圆地方的概念被夯实在主述空间。项目所在地位于大理城区的黄金区域,背山面水,可从各个角度俯瞰洱海,山光水色尽收眼底,物镜相融是我们设计的出发原点。在设计空间上遵循了最基本的功能需求和动线的合理性,运用灯光和室内装置完成了一个又一个时空故事。无处不在的诉说着大理的风貌天光,弥漫着浓浓的艺术和人文气息,将大理的在地文化凝练在不同的驻足瞬间。 流转:起承转合万物匠心 —— 泱泱华夏的 大理 联通空间往往是最容易被忽视,却是我们所谓的仪式感最重要的连接部分,不同的空间如何通过楼梯、回廊等等联通空间无缝连接才是好设计不能忽略的重点。一座城市也好,一方风土也罢,在漫长的时光旅途上,在浩然的天地之间,是什么让我们有共同的认知和烙印或许是每一段月满盈亏的岁月,或许是每一块阿婆亲手做的扎染。每一块扎染都是独一无二的,没有标准、无须设计,匠人用匠心层层叠叠的把时间跟空间串起,是岁月无声的痕迹,是天地万物的来历。 生生:月盈日渐心安之处 —— 泰然于世的 大理 再宏大的天地,最终也要回归到生活本身,也要回归到每天陪伴我们星沉月落的每时每刻。在最后的空间规划中,更多的是让每一个步入者感受生活和生命本身的安静和美好。所谓心安之处是吾乡,既是阴晴圆缺的每一天,又是朗朗乾坤的每一年。在这部分空间内,我们的设计师依然执着的将万物之相温柔的、安静的铺陈。墙体上的水晶装饰物是一个艺术装置,用水晶球的盈亏来表现月相,而与此相对的吊灯也遥相呼应,表述着人们千万年来,对洱海月的幻想与祈愿. The case is an annual Star project in Dali, Yunnan Province. Faced with Cangshan Erhai and thousands of years of local culture, our designer has opened an unprecedented space-time exploration in more than 1300 square meters of space. Entry: Objective lens fusion — Dali of Yunnan Since ancient times, Dali has been the remote existence of the vast sea and the mountains and seas depend on each other. The concept of Chinese traditional culture has been tampered with the theme space. The project is located in the golden area of Dali City, with hills and rivers on its back. It can overlook the Erhai Lake from all angles, with a panoramic view of the landscape. Following the basic functional requirements and the rationality of the moving line in the design space, the stories are completed one after another by using lighting and indoor devices. Transfer: Connecting Time and Space — Dali of China Connected space is often the most easily overlooked, but it is the most important part in our mind . How to seamlessly connect different spaces through stairs, corridors and other connected spaces is the key point that can not be ignored in good design. Whether a city or a local custom, in the long journey of time, between the vast natural world, what makes us have the common recognition and brand may be a period of full monthly profits and losses, or a tie-dyeing made by each mother. Each tie-dyeing piece is unique, no standard, no design, craftsmen layered with ingenuity to connect time and space, is the silent traces of the years, is the origin of all things in the world. Ending: A place of peace of mind — Dali of the World In the end, we should return to life itself. In the final space planning, more is to let each step into the experience of life and life itself quiet and beautiful. In this part of the space, our designers are still dedicated to the tender and quiet presentation of all things. The crystal ornament on the wall is an artistic device, which uses the profit and loss of the crystal ball to represent the phase of the moon, and the corresponding chandelier echoes each other, expressing people's fantasies and prayers for the Erhai Moon for thousands of years.