茶令 charlin

【斑驳】 在看到这样的空间里,沧桑的墙面让你不忍心去破坏,想让它屹立在那里静静的听,让它诉说着自己的故事,整个空间给人的感觉非常的古老沧桑,就像是仍然存在在五六十年代的感觉。 【毛主席万岁】 伟大的领袖毛主席万岁,设计团队希望把这个墙面与现代装修融合在一起,给人们一种穿越突破的印象。要做沧桑古老的感觉不难,做现代风格的装饰也不难,难就难在怎么将两者进行结合,设计出团队所想要的感觉。 在这个墙面上,设计师标新立异决定在墙面的基础上印刷上【伟大的领袖 毛主席万岁】的字样,首先是表达了对毛主席的敬畏,其次是觉得顾客在这种环境下喝茶,聊天,休息也是一件有意思的事情。 【颜色分区】 灰白 在形式美法则中,我们除了通过对称均衡,单纯齐一,比例,节奏韵律,指导人们更好的去创造美好的事物,能够使人们更自觉地运用形式美的法则表现美的内容,达到美的形式与内容高度统一。 更重要的是也可以通过颜色色彩,对比达到美的效果,灰白色的墙面,大理石材质的地面和前台单纯齐一达成了高度统一。 【青色】是在可见光谱中介于绿色和蓝色之间的颜色,波长大约为470纳米,类似于天空的颜色,是三原色之一。在老一辈中,蓝色和绿色统称的青色。青是一种底色,清脆而不张扬,伶俐而不圆滑 青色”究竟是指“蓝色”或是“绿色”,在文字描述上常无法确切表达肉眼所见效果。 如果一种颜色让你分不清是蓝色还是绿色,那就是青色了。 这种设计是属于我们设计师的自我风格的体现。 【不同的角度看世界】 在整个空间中,由于柱子的遮挡,在设计上,设计师也经过了一番思考,最后采用的是用镜子将柱子包围成一个三菱柱体,通过镜面反射,让空间在镜面的反射下更加的有深度。 有些人一提起空谷,便会想起悬崖峭壁,而另一些人想到的却是栈道桥梁,很多时候换个不同的角度我们就会得到不同的结论。 所谓“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低可不同”在这样的空间里不同的角度下看镜子,呈现的都是不一样的美景,休闲的同时也可以思考生活里的一点小事,也许在这里你会有不一样的想法。 【找准了角度看世界】 对称指物体或图形在某种变换条件(例如绕直线的旋转、对于平面的反映,等等)下,其相同部分间有规律重复的现象,亦即在一定变换条件下的不变现象。 对称整齐、平衡、和谐的美感在艺术中表现的尤为突出,在镜面的反射下,固定的位置下你会发现整个空间会有所变化。在毫无PS的痕迹下,现场照片比效果图更美,现场比照片更甚。 生活中对称的现象很多,我们只要熟悉观察,就一定会发现大自然是一个神奇美妙的世界。人、动物和植物都有许多对称的现象,这些对称给人带来了一种相对的美感。 [mottled] Seeing such a space, vicissitudes of the wall let you not have the heart to destroy, want to let it stand there quietly listening, let it tell its own story, the whole space gives people a very old vicissitudes, as if it still exists in the fifties and sixties. Long live Chairman Mao Long live Chairman Mao, the great leader. The design team hopes to integrate this wall with modern decoration and give people an impression of a breakthrough. It's not difficult to do the old feeling of vicissitudes, the decoration of modern style, and how to combine the two to design the feeling that the team wants. On this wall, the designer decided to print the words "Long Live Chairman Mao, the Great Leader" on the basis of the wall. First, he expressed his awe for Chairman Mao, and secondly, he thought it was interesting for customers to drink tea, chat and rest in this environment. [Color Partition] Pale In the law of formal beauty, besides symmetrical balance, simple uniformity, proportion, rhythm and rhythm, we can guide people to create better things, so that people can more consciously use the law of formal beauty to express the content of beauty, and achieve a high degree of unity between the form and content of beauty. More importantly, it can also achieve a beautiful effect through color contrast. Grey white walls, marble floor and front desk are united to achieve a high degree of unity. Blue is the color between green and blue in the visible spectrum. Its wavelength is about 470 nanometers. It is similar to the color of the sky and is one of the three primary colors. In the older generation, blue and green are collectively called blue. Blue is a background color, crisp but not publicized, clever but not smooth blue means "blue" or "green", in the description of the text often can not accurately express the naked eye to see the effect. If a color confuses you whether it's blue or green, it's blue. This kind of design is the reflection of our designer's self-style. [Viewing the World from Different Perspectives] In the whole space, due to the occlusion of the pillars, the designer has also thought about the design. Finally, he uses a mirror to surround the pillars into a Mitsubishi pillar, which reflects through the mirror to make the space more deep under the reflection of the mirror. Some people think of cliffs and cliffs when they mention valleys, while others think of trestles and bridges. Many times we come to different conclusions from different angles. Looking at the mirror from different angles in such a space shows different beautiful scenery. While relaxing, you can also think about small things in life. Maybe you will have different ideas here. [Looking at the world from a right angle] Symmetry refers to the phenomenon that the same parts of an object or figure repeat regularly under certain transformation conditions (such as rotation around a straight line, reflection on a plane, etc.), i.e. the invariant phenomenon under certain transformation conditions. Symmetrical neatness, balance and harmony are particularly prominent in art. Under the mirror reflection, you will find that the whole space will change in a fixed position. In the absence of PS traces, the scene photos are more beautiful than the renderings, and the scene is even more beautiful than the photos. There are many symmetrical phenomena in life. As long as we are familiar with observation, we will surely find that nature is a wonderful world. There are many symmetrical phenomena in human beings, animals and plants, which bring us a relative aesthetic feeling.