上海万科四季都会样板间 Shanghai Vanke Online City Show Room

DDC上海傲石设计为四季都会打造了未来之家,融入进更多的收纳元素。设计师分别在客餐厅、厨房、主卧等空间增加了收纳柜体,几乎保证了各个功能空间都具备完善的收纳系统。 白色辅以木色,没有什么比白色更干净,更整洁,更能带来内心的平静。金属色的加入,就像一颗薄荷糖融化在泉水里,给空间增添了一丝清新凉爽。 玄关柜体抛弃了传统的“顶天立地”式,柜体底部采用开敞式的无底部设计,这样换鞋会更加方便省时,省去了每日开关柜门的繁琐。 在厨房的收纳上,为了防止油烟的污染,设计师设计了更多的柜体用来收纳。抽屉式的设计也容纳了更多的厨房用品。 在设计电视墙时,我们摒弃了传统的石材、软硬包等效果型设计,完全从功能主义出发,结合暖白与原木色调打造了一个温柔雅润的空间。 在主卧的空间上,设计了一个集化妆台、电视柜、收纳柜于一体的整体柜体。 Shanghai DDC Design is designed to create a future home for the online city, incorporating more storage elements. The designers added storage cabinets in the guest dining room, kitchen, master bedroom and other spaces, which almost ensured that each functional space has a complete storage system. White with wood color, nothing is cleaner and whiter than white, and it brings peace of mind. The addition of metallic color, like a mint sugar melted in the spring water, adds a touch of freshness and coolness to the space. The entrance cabinet has abandoned the traditional “top-of-the-floor” style, and the bottom of the cabinet adopts an open bottomless design, which makes the shoe change more convenient and time-saving, eliminating the cumbersome daily switch cabinet door. In the storage of the kitchen, in order to prevent the pollution of the soot, the designer designed more cabinets for storage. The drawer design also accommodates more kitchen items. When designing the TV wall, we abandoned the traditional stone, soft and hard effect design, completely from the functionalism, combined with warm white and wood tones to create a gentle and elegant space. In the space of the master bedroom, a whole cabinet with a dressing table, a TV cabinet and a storage cabinet is designed.