阳光城檀悦(简欧)样板间Yango Putian Tanyue (Jane Europe)Template room

本案的设计风格为简约欧式,力图营造典雅、高贵、华丽的气质,温馨闲适的居住体验是设计师追求的目标。 整体颜色以白色、淡色为主,一些淡蓝色点缀其间,色彩之间相互呼应,更显优雅别致。家具带有明显且精细的曲线和图案,极具欧洲特色。铁制的灯饰和坐椅依靠流畅优美的线条,让欧式风情触手可及,客厅大块的地毯有效装饰了地面,让居住更加舒适。 简欧风格,既符合现代人生活的审美,又满足了居住实用性的需要。都市里的人们,在繁杂纷扰,快节奏的生活往往疲惫不堪,而简单优雅的居空间,能让我们找到舒适的感觉,找回家最原始的感觉,一片心灵的栖息地。让我们在纷扰的现实生活中找到平衡,缔造出一个令人心弛神往的写意空间。 Works Introduction: The design style of this case is simple European style, trying to create elegant, noble, gorgeous temperament, warm and leisurely living experience is the goal pursued by designers. The overall color is mainly white and light, some light blue dotted among them, the color echoes each other, more elegant and chic. Furniture with distinct and delicate curves and patterns, very European characteristics. Iron lighting and chairs rely on smooth and graceful lines to make European style accessible. Large carpets in the living room effectively decorate the ground and make living more comfortable. The Jane-European style not only conforms to the aesthetics of modern people's life, but also meets the needs of living practicability. People in the city are often exhausted in the complicated and fast-paced life. Simple and elegant living space can help us find a comfortable feeling, find the most primitive feeling of home, a spiritual habitat. Let's find a balance in the turbulent real life and create a relaxing and fascinating freehand space.