深圳市南山创新实验学校Shenzhen Nanshan Innovation Experimental School

功能分区合理,注重功能空间的舒适性:主张动静分区, 例如:我们将楼上教学空间的器乐室移至地下一层,与风雨操场体育活动空间结合,避免器乐室声音过大对教室的噪音干扰,充分利用空间优势,让空间更高效,例如:舞蹈教室对空间高度有严格的要求,因建筑层高的限制,所以我们将舞蹈教室移至负一层,充分利用负一层的高度优势。 空间设计简洁.实用:空间避免花哨,做作的空间造型,设计简洁实用,注重空间的细节处理,比例关系和更多人性化安全性的考虑。 色彩的运用:空间大面积以白色为主,局部通过色彩的运用来活跃空间的气氛,打破空间单一色系的沉闷感.我们想在公共活动空间使用相对活跃一些的色彩作为点缀,例如桔黄色.红色等颜色,而在教学空间的区域,我们使用安静一些的色彩,例如绿色.蓝色.灰色.等色彩。 Works Introduction: Functional zoning is reasonable, focusing on the comfort of functional space. It advocates dynamic and static zoning. For example, we move the instrumental music room in the upstairs teaching space to the underground floor and combine it with the sports activity space of the wind and rain playground, avoid the noise interference of the instrumental music room to the classroom, make full use of the space advantage, and make the space more efficient. For example, the dance classroom has strict requirements on the height of the space, because of construction. Because of the limitation of floor height, we move the dance classroom to the negative floor, making full use of the height advantage of the negative floor. Spatial design is concise and practical: space avoids fancy, makes the space modelling, the design is concise and practical, pays attention to the space detail processing, the proportion relations and more humanized security considerations. The use of color: large areas of space are mainly white, partially through the use of color to activate the atmosphere of the space, breaking the dull feeling of the space monochrome system. We want to use relatively active colors as orange and red decorations in public activity space, while in the teaching space area, we use quieter colors, such as green, blue and gray.