
闫宅位于广州江边平层,在这里我们可以一览珠江全景。屋主是一位单身时尚女白领,对生活有自己独特的方式。作为精致的新时代独立女性,她的心中怀有浪漫的幻想,却不随波逐流,喜欢与世界温柔地对话,宅在家里是她最享受的状态。 Yan house is located on the flat floor beside the river in guangzhou, where we can have a panoramic view of the pearl river. The owner of the house is a single female white-collar fashion, have their own unique way of life. As a delicate independent woman in the new era, she has a romantic fantasy in her heart, but does not follow the trend. She likes to have a gentle conversation with the world, and stays at home is her most enjoyable state. 设计师通过朋友接触到屋主时已经装修至木工完工,由于之前的拖拉,屋主也不清楚自己具体想要的感觉,加上材料的脏乱,屋主萌生新的想法,打掉现有格局重新设计装修,屋主说:“我想拥有大大的落地窗、足够的收纳空间、简洁舒适,当阳光洒下来也是如此的惬意”。 Designer by friend contact to homeowners have to decorate the woodworking completed, due to the drag before, homeowners also don't know their specific want to feeling, plus material mess, house advocate initiation of new ideas, abort the existing pattern redesigned decorate, the owner said, "I want to receive a large French window, enough space, concise and comfortable, when the sun shining down so comfortable".