长沙卓越青竹湖营销中心 Changsha Qingzhu lake sales center of Excellence Group

当售楼处不仅仅以销售为使命时,或许空间就有了更多的可能性,设计便也有了更自由自在的落笔处。 这既是一个售楼处,也是一个小型图书馆,我们希望它在完成设计伊始所肩负的使命后,能向新的生命进阶,而不仅停留在解决基本功能问题等层面,我更加期望着它能被赋予个人价值、社会价值,予人心灵以启迪,在此后漫长的光阴交叠中愈显温度。 我们通过空间中许多书页的造型来营造一股宁静的阅读氛围,希望借此来表达我们渴望唤起被现下的人们所遗忘的阅读的力量,它风平浪静,却又蕴力无穷。止于此境,在空间中的每一次停驻观望,都是一段与它引人深省的相处,都将成为更有价值的美好记忆。 If the sales center does not treat the sales as a kind of mission, we would endow more possibilities for space so that the design will infused by more inspiration and less limit. The building is not only a sales office but also a minitype library. We hope that the building can make a progress and have self-actualization after accomplishing the initial mission instead of still remaining in a level just to solve basic fuction. Furthermore, We also expect that it can be given personal and social value, which can inspire people and transfer warmth and energy in the future. In order to express our desire, we created a quiet reading atmosphere by modelling the shape of pages of book in the space to arouse the power of reading which is being neglected by people in nowadays. It is peaceful and calm but full of power. It is believed that staying in such a space will inspire deep consideration and this experience will be a valuable memory .