谁吃了我的砧板?/Who ate my chopping board?

宣传植物材料砧板的天然健康。该系列砧板由木头、竹子、稻谷壳等植物材料制作而成。植物为动物的天然食材:海狸吃木头、熊猫吃竹子、牛吃谷壳。通过动物的偷吃行为来表现砧板的纯植物和健康。 Promote the natural health of plant material chopping boards. The series of chopping boards are made of plant materials such as wood, bamboo and rice husks. Plants are natural foods for animals: beavers eat wood, pandas eat bamboo, and cows eat chaff. The pure plant and health of the chopping board is expressed by the animal's stealing behavior.