淵默禮居/Reserved residence

從事風水命理多年的業主十分好客,促使設計師在空間配置上更講究空間的延伸、採光與通透性,公共區域設計較為開放,使整體空間形成相互對應,既寬敞又不失機能性。 This client has years of experience in Feng Shui and fortune-telling and is very welcoming, to reflect their personality the interior designer maximised the feeling of space, natural light and continuity. The common area is open plan, creating a homogeneous style which is both spacious and functional. 玄關以調性沈穩的紅鏽石作為開場,搭配溫雅白石紋肌理的電視主牆. 客廳、玄關及餐廳背牆則選用大面灰色調耐磨壁紙,營造出內斂安靜的空間質感;本案以中島區作為主軸,搭配墨藍色作為壁面與隱藏門貼材,深色質地夾帶細緻金屬分割,凸顯低調中的奢華感。另外書房和臥室等空間,使用質地古著的胡桃木搭配簡約白與灰,營造別有靜謐而溫文爾雅的禪修意境。 The terracotta-hued entrance sets the scene, perfectly matching the soft white marble-coloured walls. The entrance to the living room and the rear wall of the kitchen are covered with high-quality grey wallpaper, endowing the space with a reserved and peaceful quality. The centre island, matching the turquoise blue walls and doors, is the focus of the room. This deep colour creates a rich contrast with the fine metal, adding to the atmosphere of understated luxury. The study and the bedroom are decorated with rich walnut to match the simplicity of the white and grey tones, creating an especially tranquil, refined and zen environment. 風水之於設計,在東方美學上常有衝突,淵默禮居一案,靈活運用現代簡約的白灰黑及沈穩內斂的棕色,襯托時尚奢華的墨藍,將風水融合設計、時尚美學融入機能,相襯而成。 In oriental aesthetics, Feng Shui often comes into conflict with interior design. However, in the case of the Reserved residence, modern simple monochrome tones and understated colours are used wisely to complement the fashionable luxury of the turquoise, thereby creating a subtle harmony, combining Feng Shui with design and aesthetics with functionality.