
淡墨·清风 家,是和岁月的对话 抛去繁华琐碎 让功能围绕着生活来展开 随意、 港式现代风格最为注重生活品质的体现,家具的选用和细节的搭配碰撞出强烈的现代感,在视觉上既恬逸又时尚。除了金属铜条饰边带来的奢华感,质感高贵的浅咖色沙发,在这样的空间氛围中,无声的诉说着优雅低调的空间语言。港式文化属于多元文化,本案采用金属铜条与其他材质巧妙搭配,创造了港式现代空间的新表达的方式,简练不简单,优雅不纤弱,低调但奢华。 Light ink, breeze, home, is a dialogue with the years, throw away the trivial, let the function around life to start, casual, casual. The modern style of Hong Kong pays most attention to the quality of life. The choice of furniture and the collocation of details collide with a strong sense of modernity, which is both comfortable and fashionable in vision. In addition to the luxury brought by the copper strip trim, the elegant light caffeine sofa, in such a space atmosphere, silently speaking elegant and low-key space language. Hong Kong-style culture belongs to multi-culture. In this case, copper bars and other materials are skillfully collocated to create a new expression of Hong Kong-style modern space. It is concise and not simple, elegant and not delicate, low-key but luxurious.