安缦的时光Aman's Time

繁华之处寻求静谧, 哪怕我们身处喧嚣城市, 我们依然可以创造宁静一隅 无需太多装饰 只需随手点睛 物哀:赞颂、爱怜、共鸣一对客体抱有一种朴素而深厚感情。 空寂:悠闲、释然、幽玄一去掉一切人为的装饰,追求简素的情趣。 闲寂:恬静、寂静、古雅超脱俗世,追寻自然界的美 Even if we are in a noisy city, we can still create a quiet corner,without too much decoration. We just need to touch our eyes and mourn: praise, love, sympathy, a pair of objects have a simple and deep feeling. Empty: leisurely, relaxed, and secluded. Remove all artificial decoration and pursue simple taste. Silence: quiet, quiet, ancient and elegant beyond the secular world, to pursue the beauty of nature.