《一处,清闲》《A place of leisure》

最难的是,一个人时,若有半分闲暇,也要自备一处天地。这天地,不是世俗的天地。它或许浩大,如庄子的逍遥南溟。又或许微小,不过一片方寸之地。无论大小,它都是充满呼吸的,是一处可以盛放些清闲的角落。任何新的事物都会存在过去的影子,新时代的人们总是在回味旧时代的余温。或许,将自己从世俗繁务中抽离,给予自己片刻的清闲,放任思想,去到时光之外的一处,无人,无事,悠闲,自在。The most difficult is, a person, if there is half leisure, but also to prepare a world. This world is not worldly. It may be great, like chuang - tzu's siming. Or small, but a small space. No matter size, it is to be full of breath, it is the corner that can hold some of carefree. Any new things will exist in the shadow of the past, the new era of people always aftertaste the aftertaste of the old era. Perhaps, from the mundane chores in the pull away, give yourself a moment of leisure, laissez-faire thought, to a place outside the time, no one, nothing, leisurely, comfortable.