LA RUTA DE VIA鞋履买手品牌旗舰店

项目名称:LA RUTA DE VIA鞋履品牌旗舰店 项目地址:上海市肇嘉浜路1111号(美罗城1F) 项目面积:845平米 La ruta为西班牙语的“路”,de为前缀词,via为意大利语的“道路”。更体现改品牌为一家已销售鞋类的品牌 LA RUTA DE VIA不盲从,亦不被趋势或者品牌绑架,秉持独立的时尚态度,用发现的眼睛在全世界寻找那些极具创造力的设计与匠心打造的精湛工艺。 LA RUTA DE VIA连接了因鞋而汇聚的社群,各种尖锐的潮流理念在此碰撞,迸发出激烈的火花,照亮自我也给予大家拥抱改变、革新的勇气,从而让时尚变得更具活力和创造性。 LA RUTA DE VIA强调裸足进店的购物体验。让每一位消费者能与每一双鞋子有着零距离的接触体验。整体的设计风格为欧式宫廷式客厅与博物馆相结合的概念。调性风格为黑胡桃木与做旧紫铜材料为主体现欧洲的年代改及现代的工业感。再以墙面软包配合来增加该店铺的柔。因强调裸足故整体地面用地暖加实木复合地板方式达到舒适感。局部再以地毯的配合让整体更柔、更有客厅感。店内挑空区上方穹顶手绘加上实木的旋转楼梯更凸显欧式宫廷感。墙面高柜无论1F、2F均到顶并配以高柜式活动楼梯增加了博物馆的韵味。 Project Name: LA RUTA DE VIA Shoes Brand Flagship Store  Project address: No. 1111, Zhaojiabang Road, Shanghai (1F, Matro City)  Project area: 845 square meters La ruta is the "road" of Spanish, de is the prefix word, and via is the "road" of Italian. . It also reflects that the brand is a brand that sells footwear. LA RUTA DE VIA is not blindly obedient, nor is it kidnapped by trends or brands. With an independent fashion attitude, we use the eyes of discovery worldwide to find the extremely creative design and craftsmanship that has originality to create. LA RUTA DE VIA connects the community gathered by shoes, and various sharp trend ideas collide here, sparking a fierce spark, illuminating oneself and giving everyone the courage to embrace change and innovation, thus making fashion more vital and creative. LA RUTA DE VIA emphasizes the shopping experience of naked feet into the store. Let each consumer have a zero-distance contact experience with each pair of shoes. The overall design style is the concept of a European-style palace-style living room combined with a museum. The tonality of the style take the black walnut and old red copper material as the princiapl thing, reflecting the European era and modern industrial sense. Then use the wall soft bag matching up to increase the softness of the store. Because of the emphasis on bare feet, the overall floor use heating and solid wood composite flooring to achieve comfort. Partly with the cooperation of the carpet to make the entirety more soft.