贯生(Through vitality)

业主人比较稳重,不张扬,爱养些绿植,一家三口,孩子是女孩,一家人时尚有爱,案子以解决空间功能使用问题为基础,改善生活方式和需求为其次考量,再结合业主性格及家庭氛围等综合考虑为方案立意——贯生,贯通的生机,自然光贯穿空间寻找营造每一幕温情的画面,各空间打开互动且具有自身的私密性,空间简约低调,品质不张扬,绿植给简约低调的空间带来生机与生命力,万千形体只取一瓢于顶面,弧形的顶面细节带来一丝生命力,让简约之中多了一些动态与别致 (The owners are more stable, not unassuming, love to raise some green plants, a family of three, children are girls, family fashion and love, the case is based on solving the problem of the use of space functions, improving lifestyle and needs for the second consideration, combined with the personality of the owner And the family atmosphere and other comprehensive considerations for the program's intention - continuous, continuous vitality, natural light through the space to find a picture of each scene of warmth, each space opens and interacts with its own privacy, space is simple and low-key, quality is not publicity, green plant Bringing vitality and vitality to the simple and low-key space, thousands of shapes only take a scoop on the top surface, the curved top detail brings a trace of vitality, so that there is more dynamic and chic in the simple)