木石之盟(Alliance of wood and stone)

这是一家拥有20年历史的私营地产企业,设计灵感来源于“木石之盟”。 木与石皆为建筑之灵魂——“木”乃蓬勃生长的自然之光,繁盛而温暖;“石”为自然之精灵,具山川之形胜。木与石在空间中交汇,动静不失,方得平衡。 设计师在设计过程及不断的思考中,将木、石作为无形的感知,藉由理性思维去认知和把握,让万物运动变化的规律贯穿整个空间,与绵延千年的中国文化相结合,并与当代社会进行有机融合,令宾客进入空间便被自然山石的情境所吸引,俗世喧嚣的心随即安定下来。 自入口处梯厅作为序幕,墙面山林若隐若现,将自然缓缓引入室内,创造内省与宁静的心灵体验;前台等候区运用简约美学营造雅致的细节及氛围;绿植生态墙将自然环境氛围巧妙植入整个办公区域——开放、通透,各区域可通过不同的路径抵达。空间语言凝练,没有多余的装饰,木饰面、硬包墙、半透明玻璃移门、平顶天花……通过颀长的木质及玻璃门的开放或密闭,满足灵活多变的使用需求。步入过道,传统的轴线在这里被解构重组为一系列的行走、观看和情景交互体验,层层渐进,相互借景,赋予更为多元的视觉心理体验。董事长办公区,实为办公?会所综合职能,曲径通幽,打破传统分割,既私密又不压抑,营造“禅心”之精妙。 全案以“寄情山水”的方式贯穿不同功能分区,在万象归一的中国哲学内核的引领下,形成人文气韵流动的办公体验,以设计传达着朴素的东方空间观。 This is a private real estate enterprise which has been established for 20 years. The design is inspired by the "alliance of wood and stone". Wood and stone are the soul of architecture -- "wood" is the light of the nature which is flourishing and warm; "Stone" is the spirit of nature, with the shape of mountains. Both wood and stone are intersected in space with wood’s movement and stone’s motionlessness to achieve a level of balance. In her design process and constant thinking, the designer regards wood and stone as intangible perceptions and recognize rationally. She puts the principle“Everything is changing”into the entire space and combines it with the Chinese thousands-year-old traditional culture and modern life. So that guests enter the space will be attracted by the natural situation of the surroundings, the restless heart will be calmed down. The entrance hall, as the prelude of the whole design, leads a sense of nature indoor in order to create an experience of self-examination and calm spirit with the wall painting of indistinct landscape. Simple aesthetics is used in the front waiting area to make every detail and the whole atmosphere elegant; the sense of nature has been leaded into the whole workspace ingeniously through the interior wall. The whole space without redundant decorations, just uses timber lining, hard wall, translucent glass sliding door, flat top ceiling... It can meet the flexible and varied uses through the open or closed of the long wooden and glass doors. While stepping into the aisle, you will notice that the traditional axis is deconstructed and reorganized into a series of walking, viewing and situational interactive experiences. In this way, a diverse visual and psychological experience can be achieved. The office area of the chairman of the board, for its comprehensive functions of both office and clubhouse, is designed as both private and public with winding path and breaking the traditional division to create the exquisiteness of the “Zen heart”. The design is full of the ways of "expressing affection for mountains and rivers" ,which has run through different functional divisions. Under the guidance of the core of Chinese philosophy of "All are one", the office experience of humanistic flow is formed, and the simple oriental view of space is also conveyed by design.