
首秀会所位于重庆市南坪商业中心,以绝对高端大气为标准,古建新制,将天地自然里永不变的物象以及古老艺术,化为符合当代审美需求的现代美学符号,印刻在空间意境里。 外观建筑雄健的水平线,昂扬的气度,落在均衡稳重的结构上,是端正的方与曲动的圆的综合。室内设计延续建筑的形制,在衍脉传统中式的基础之上,在方正规矩中,把实用与幻想结合,把造型与美结合,把动与静结合,兼容并蓄,在艺术世界中调整万象,曲动飞扬中调和出情感的极致。 从进厅步入大堂,恢弘庄严的空间架构,厚重的立柱形态,深厚沉着的色调,深色的木质、丰饶的金,庄重典雅的气韵流动其间。简约别致的拱形造型有框景作用,内置一颗迎客松,它象征生机盎然,挺拔,巍然屹立。 在整个设计中陈设饰景的贯穿,营造出“移步换景”之美,巧妙运用现代手法与传统元素融合引入空间中,把复杂的空间元素简练,给人一种沁润、意墨之境。 内置空间是外观建筑空间的延续与展开。古铜与深色木条,艺术墙纸与古香古色的壁挂,暖色调与皮革、布艺与艺术玻璃等元素结合能打造视觉焦点,方寸之间皆优雅。房间设计采用了不同的表现手法,借鉴了中国传统建筑艺术,巧妙地融入现代简约型制。回形纹的古典框格装点天花,端庄的方与大气的圆,整体铺设出空间高雅秀逸的意境美。 ”首秀盛开,凤凰自来“,没有立意就等于没有“灵魂”,将现代元素和传统元素结合在一起,以现代人的审美需求来打造富有传统韵味的事物。大处着眼、细处着手,总体与细部深入推敲。品位文化,感悟生活,在这里寻求最合适的表达,打造一种追求完美、追求品味的生活态度。(Shouxiu club is located in Nanping Commercial Center of Chongqing City. With the absolute high-end atmosphere as the standard, the ancient construction system will transform the unchanging objects and ancient art in the natural world into a modern aesthetic symbol that meets the needs of contemporary aesthetics. in. The majestic horizontal line of the exterior building, the high-spiritedness, falls on a balanced and stable structure, and is a combination of a square and a curved circle. The interior design continues the shape of the building. On the basis of the traditional Chinese style of the veins, in the formal norm, the combination of practicality and fantasy, the combination of style and beauty, the combination of movement and static, inclusive, and the adjustment of Vientiane in the art world. The movement is in the middle of the emotions. Stepping into the lobby from the entrance hall, the magnificent space structure, the thick column shape, the deep and calm color, the dark wood, the rich gold, the solemn and elegant charm flow in the meantime. The simple and chic arched shape has a framed effect and a built-in welcoming pine. It symbolizes vitality, straightness and standing. Throughout the design, the decorative scenery is created to create the beauty of “stepping and changing scenery”. The ingenious use of modern techniques and traditional elements is introduced into the space, and the complex space elements are concise, giving people a kind of ambiguity and inspiration. . ?The built-in space is the continuation and expansion of the exterior building space. Bronze and dark wood strips, art wallpapers and antique wall hangings, warm colors and leather, fabric and art glass combined to create a visual focus, both sides are elegant. The design of the room adopts different expression techniques, drawing on the traditional Chinese architectural art and subtly blending into the modern minimalist system. The classical frame of the back-shaped pattern is decorated with small ceilings, the dignified square and the atmosphere of the circle, and the overall elegance of the space is elegant. "The first show is full of bloom, the phoenix is ??self-sufficient." If there is no intention, it means that there is no "soul". The modern elements and traditional elements are combined to create a traditional charm with the aesthetic needs of modern people. Focusing on the details, starting with the details, the overall and the details are deeply scrutinized. Taste culture, feel life, seek the most appropriate expression here, and create a life attitude that pursues perfection and pursues taste.)