Federation Member
重庆南山里民宿 Nanshanli Hotel, Chongqing
大山的轮廓 Outline of The Mountain
重庆在我们心目中:山地起伏陡峻、山雾缭绕、竹林围簇。 我们的灵感来源是大山的轮廓、山雾的轮廓、竹林的轮廓、天空云朵的轮廓,我们希望能再塑一个介于自然和建筑之间的轮廓,材质和形态都介于建筑和自然之间的轮廓,给大山一个新的层次,给建筑一个更环抱自然的体验感。林中雾、雾中林,我们希望这种独特的景致为建筑空间的每个视角取景。 我们希望建筑和自然的关系是共生的,所以我们用的建筑材料和空间体验都是尽量简单的,原生态的。在建筑材料上我们尽量使用就地取材的干竹子、砖石,呈现的效果就是白墙、玻璃、植物,我们希望它是大山的一部分,而不是丛林中的微型钢铁城市。在空间体验和生活方式上,我们希望它也是以一种尽量原始的村落状态呈现,农耕田园、铁锅炊烟。 Chongqing in our impression: the mountains rise and fall steeply, the mountains are foggy, and the bamboo forests are surrounded by clusters. Our inspiration source comes from the outline of mountains, fog, bamboo forests and sky clouds. We hope that we can reconstruct the outline between nature and the buildings. The material and form are between the buildings and nature, give the mountain a new level and give the buildings a more natural experience. The fog in the forest, we hope that this unique landscape can be viewed from every perspective of the architectural space. We hope that the relationship between the buildings and nature is symbiotic, so the materials we use and space experience are as simple as possible, original ecological. In building materials, we try to use local dry bamboo and brick, showing the effect of white walls, glass, plants, we hope that it is part of the mountains, rather than the miniature steel city in the jungle. In terms of space experience and lifestyle, we hope that it will also be presented as primitive as possible in the village state, farming, cooking.