Abel Erazo - 《邦荟餐厅》
Bongrill Restaurant Interior Design
邦荟餐厅坐落于北京东边通州区,已启动现场施工。 鉴于餐厅位于东郎影视创意产业园内,设计创意首先考虑顾全餐厅周围艺术环境及园区的主题。致力打造一个场所既服务于影视创意产业园,又兼顾服务近几年人口快速增长,发展迅猛的新中心通州区。 这个项目有一个露天平台,绿树,白石子,清澈水流环绕平台四周,人们可以在这里静坐,或享用一杯咖啡,或喝个下午茶。 我们意在以一种细致入微而又协调的方式将自然融入设计。 途经花园,在影视创意产业园和临街两侧分别规划了一个入口。双层挑高空间,首先映入眼帘的是简洁的黑色墙体,设计别致的铜质酒架,架子上陈列着各式各样的红酒,白酒以及酒杯,旨在用一个触目难忘的酒吧映像迎接来客。酒吧上方,造型独特宏伟壮观的吊灯,给空间平添几分灵动气息及艺术感。 顺延向二楼,似雕塑的大理石楼梯以夹层形式向上延伸,将入口与4个灵活多变的会议室联结起来。会议室,为客户进行小组讨论,演讲展示及各种活动提供场所。 每一场会议可分别为四个小组提供会议室,每个会议室容纳10人。 会议室之间设置可移动玻璃门,随时可将小会议室变成可容纳20人的大会议室。 精心设计的艺术饰品,雕像摆放在餐厅的各个角落,温暖的灯光,精致的纹理,深色的背景与黄色的金属之间强烈的反差,柔和的面料,坚硬的石材,各种元素的结合营造了一个别致、轻松、随意、现代且优雅的氛围。 餐厅菜单由意大利主厨精心挑选的西餐,亚洲混合风格餐组成,同时这里也供应精致美味的甜品,点心。 Bongrill restaurant kick off construction in Tongzhou east of Beijing. Within the new Donglang movie industrial park the first ideas consider the theme of its surroundings art and industrial. Aiming to become a spot to not only serve the park itself but also the dynamic increasing population of Tongzhou, a new center with a great developing in recent years. It's program offer an outdoor terrace where users can seat and have a coffee or afternoon tea surrounded by trees, stone and water. We intent to bring nature in a carefully design balance. Through the garden two entrances had been organized from both sides, the park and the street. A double height space welcome the visitors with an impressive view of the bar and it's back wall, featuring a shelve made out of bronze to support wine bottles, liquor and cups. Over the bar a master piece lighting feature add dynamism and art sense to the space. Guiding to the second floor an 'sculpture like' marble stairs connect the entrance with 4 flexible meeting rooms by the mezzanine, which allow clients to have group discussions, presentations and events. Carefully designed art pieces and sculptures has been placed in each corner of the restaurant, warm lights, textures and a high contrast between dark background and yellow metals, fabrics and stones complete an atmosphere which is sophisticated, relax, casual, modern and elegant. The menu composed by western food with selected Asian fusion by the Italian chef also offer delicate sweets and desserts.