  • 乐陶酒店 Letao Hotel
    本案是位于泉州德化的陶瓷主题酒店,德化制瓷历史悠久,其白瓷做工精良,艺术性极强,被外国人称为“中国白”。设计师用定制的白色陶砖为底,黑色陶砖的大堂服务台及青花的竹麻家具、通高的陶瓷展示柜点缀期间,投影灯在白色墙面形成水纹般的律动,大型陶瓷装置“山水乐陶”吊灯矗立在大堂中间。设计师在空间中舍去重彩,顺空间而为,山水草木游弋其间,用材料本身的真实质感,用黑白浓淡水墨写意的手法,表达出一种淡泊豁达的空间气质。 客房空间选用仿混凝土水泥漆、藤编壁纸及家具、色彩丰富的软装搭配,使得空间安静舒适而又温馨,充满家庭氛围,正是周末休闲度假的好选择。 This case is located in Dehua Ceramic Theme Hotel, Quanzhou. Dehua Ceramic has a long history. Its white porcelain is exquisitely crafted and highly artistic. It is called "Chinese White" by foreigners. Designers use customized white ceramic tiles as the base, black ceramic tiles lobby service desk and blue and white bamboo and hemp furniture, high-rise ceramic display cabinet embellishment period, projection lights in the white wall to form a water-like rhythm, large-scale ceramic device "Landscape Letao" pendant lamp stands in the middle of the lobby. Designers abandon heavy colors in space, along with space, landscape vegetation swimming in the meantime, with the real texture of the material itself, with black and white fresh water ink freehand brushwork techniques, to express a kind of indifferent and open-minded space temperament. The guest room space uses imitation concrete cement paint, rattan wallpaper and furniture, and colorful soft outfits to make the space quiet, comfortable and warm, full of family atmosphere, which is a good choice for weekend leisure and vacation.

  • 模块化分类快餐盒Modular classification fast food boxes
    很多外卖,飞机餐上都会提供一整套的一次性餐具。很多餐具会被扔掉,不管它们有没有被使用,而餐具成本低廉,所以这种低价的浪费没被人们重视。这个设计,将每个餐具模块化,人们可以选择适合自己的餐具,又可以将其他餐具卫生的保护起来,便于回收利用。 Now, many takeout and airplane meals come with a set of disposable cutlery. A lot of cutlery gets thrown away, whether it's used or not, and cutlery costs very little, so people don't pay attention to the low cost of waste. This design modularizes each tableware, so that people can choose the tableware suitable for themselves, and protect the health of other tableware to facilitate recycling.

  • 可可幼家幼儿园 Coco’s Kindergarten
    该项目位于中国四川省成都市金牛区,是一家从事2-6岁学前教育的专业机构。这个空间原本作为网吧在使用,我们接手后迅速将空间解析重构,从空间布局到软装营造,都按照儿童使用的需求重新考虑。 我们认为幼儿园应该是孩子的另一个家,而孩子也是幼儿园中最美丽的色彩。因此在该项目中,我们打破传统幼儿园以彩色卡通为主的装饰风格,而是以大面积留白还儿童以自由想象的空间,没有过多的装饰,让整个空间回归儿童的质朴。材料上多用实木,木质自然温暖,配合大面积保留的玻璃窗,为孩子们营造出家一般明亮温暖的环境,让每一个孩子在幼儿园里都能够感到放松、快乐。另外,在满足实用功能的基础上,我们利用楼梯转角创造了属于孩子们的秘密空间,孩子们可以在此处捉迷藏,或坐在板凳上写写画画进行创艺术作。 Located in Jinniu district, Chengdu city, Sichuan province, China, this project is a professional institution engaged in preschool education for 2-6 years old. This space was originally used as an Internet cafe. After we took over, we quickly reconstructed the spatial analysis, from the spatial layout to the soft installation construction, and reconsidered according to the needs of children. We think kindergarten should be another home for children, and children are also the most beautiful colors in kindergarten. Therefore, in this project, we break the traditional decoration style of kindergarten, which is dominated by color cartoons. Instead, we leave a large area of blank space for children to imagine freely without too much decoration, so that the whole space returns to the simplicity of children. The materials are mostly made of solid wood, which is naturally warm. With large area of reserved glass windows, a bright and warm environment is created for children, so that every child can feel relaxed and happy in kindergarten. Additional, on the foundation that satisfies practical function, we used stair corner to create the secret space that belongs to children, children can play hide-and-seek here, or sit on bench write a picture to undertake create art to make.

  • 生命体/Living organisms
    当今社会群体开始追求自然,绿色,健康的生活态势。园林规划,绿色城市,生态公园等项目大规模成立,但是同步也造成了水资源严重浪费,使用不合理等问题开始出现。该产品作为一款便携园林浇灌产品,它可以根据缺水植物进行特殊浇灌,也可以根据不同的园林形状进行随意摆放浇灌,避免了水资源的大量浪费和不合理使用。园艺师等专业人员,也可以更替不同的使用场景,进行多地域工作,大大提高了园林护理的工作效率,充分体现了产品的便携性,可塑性,有利于建立人类的社会责任感和生态家园的建设 Today's social groups are beginning to pursue a natural, green, and healthy lifestyle. Landscape planning, green cities, and ecological parks have been established on a large scale, but synchronization has also caused serious waste of water resources, and problems such as unreasonable use have begun to emerge. As a portable garden watering product, this product can be specially watered according to water-deficient plants, and can be placed and placed according to different garden shapes, avoiding a lot of waste and unreasonable use of water resources. Professionals such as gardeners can also replace different use scenarios and carry out multi-regional work, which greatly improves the efficiency of garden care, fully embodies the portability and plasticity of products, and is conducive to building human social responsibility and the construction of ecological homes.

  • 自然的艺术国礼品牌阮仕珍珠体验店设计/Art of Nature,Design of experience store of Ruan Shi Pearl, a brand of national gift
    设计师以贝壳的形状勾勒出展厅的主体结构,从开合角度到弯曲弧度都经过细细的推敲打磨,呈现时尚优雅的姿态。同时通过贝壳曲线的围合划分不同的功能区域,打破店铺平铺直叙的常规动线。主色调用的是简约纯粹的浅灰色,不同的区域,灰度又有所变化。在重点展示区域,地面以胡桃木色的木地板作为间隔,让空间张弛有度。设计师在体验厅的核心位置设置了三个水族箱,展现天然珍珠生长的环境。水族元素的运用也为空间注入自然的灵动气息,让消费者体验到的珍珠世界更加真实。灯饰,设计师选用了黄铜色的金属圆环吊灯,刚柔碰撞,在温婉中注入从容独立的时尚气息。大量运用点状冷光源,凸显珍珠的质感。圆环灯带倒影在光洁的地面,犹如璀璨的珍珠项链,这亦是设计的匠心。 The designer outlines the main structure of the exhibition hall in the shape of a shell,From the opening and closing angle to the bending radian, it has been carefully scrubbed and polished,Presenting fashionable and elegant posture.At the same time, different functional areas are divided by the enclosure of shell curve, which breaks the regular moving line of shop laying and narrating directly.The main tone is simple and pure light gray. The gray level varies in different areas.In the key display area, the floor is spaced by walnut-colored wood flooring, allowing space to relax.The designer set up three aquariums at the core of the experiential hall to show the environment where natural pearls grow.The use of aquarium elements also injects natural agility into the space and makes the Pearl world more real for consumers to experience.Lighting, the designer chose the brass metal ring chandelier, rigid and soft collision, in the gentle injection of calm and independent fashion atmosphere.Point-shaped cold light source is widely used to highlight the texture of pearls.The ring lamp with its reflection on the bright ground is like a bright pearl necklace.This is the ingenuity of design.

  • 大理壹号院 \ The One Mansion,Dali
    本案是云南大理地区备受瞩目的年度明星项目,面对苍山洱海和千年的在地文化,我们的设计师在1300多平米的空间里开启了一次前所未有的时空探索。 入境:物镜相融天圆地方 —— 彩云之南的 大理 大理自古以来就是天高海阔的遥远存在,山海相依的地貌,低纬度的高原地区酝酿出独特的水纹地相,中国传统文化中天圆地方的概念被夯实在主述空间。项目所在地位于大理城区的黄金区域,背山面水,可从各个角度俯瞰洱海,山光水色尽收眼底,物镜相融是我们设计的出发原点。在设计空间上遵循了最基本的功能需求和动线的合理性,运用灯光和室内装置完成了一个又一个时空故事。无处不在的诉说着大理的风貌天光,弥漫着浓浓的艺术和人文气息,将大理的在地文化凝练在不同的驻足瞬间。 流转:起承转合万物匠心 —— 泱泱华夏的 大理 联通空间往往是最容易被忽视,却是我们所谓的仪式感最重要的连接部分,不同的空间如何通过楼梯、回廊等等联通空间无缝连接才是好设计不能忽略的重点。一座城市也好,一方风土也罢,在漫长的时光旅途上,在浩然的天地之间,是什么让我们有共同的认知和烙印或许是每一段月满盈亏的岁月,或许是每一块阿婆亲手做的扎染。每一块扎染都是独一无二的,没有标准、无须设计,匠人用匠心层层叠叠的把时间跟空间串起,是岁月无声的痕迹,是天地万物的来历。 生生:月盈日渐心安之处 —— 泰然于世的 大理 再宏大的天地,最终也要回归到生活本身,也要回归到每天陪伴我们星沉月落的每时每刻。在最后的空间规划中,更多的是让每一个步入者感受生活和生命本身的安静和美好。所谓心安之处是吾乡,既是阴晴圆缺的每一天,又是朗朗乾坤的每一年。在这部分空间内,我们的设计师依然执着的将万物之相温柔的、安静的铺陈。墙体上的水晶装饰物是一个艺术装置,用水晶球的盈亏来表现月相,而与此相对的吊灯也遥相呼应,表述着人们千万年来,对洱海月的幻想与祈愿. The case is an annual Star project in Dali, Yunnan Province. Faced with Cangshan Erhai and thousands of years of local culture, our designer has opened an unprecedented space-time exploration in more than 1300 square meters of space. Entry: Objective lens fusion — Dali of Yunnan Since ancient times, Dali has been the remote existence of the vast sea and the mountains and seas depend on each other. The concept of Chinese traditional culture has been tampered with the theme space. The project is located in the golden area of Dali City, with hills and rivers on its back. It can overlook the Erhai Lake from all angles, with a panoramic view of the landscape. Following the basic functional requirements and the rationality of the moving line in the design space, the stories are completed one after another by using lighting and indoor devices. Transfer: Connecting Time and Space — Dali of China Connected space is often the most easily overlooked, but it is the most important part in our mind . How to seamlessly connect different spaces through stairs, corridors and other connected spaces is the key point that can not be ignored in good design. Whether a city or a local custom, in the long journey of time, between the vast natural world, what makes us have the common recognition and brand may be a period of full monthly profits and losses, or a tie-dyeing made by each mother. Each tie-dyeing piece is unique, no standard, no design, craftsmen layered with ingenuity to connect time and space, is the silent traces of the years, is the origin of all things in the world. Ending: A place of peace of mind — Dali of the World In the end, we should return to life itself. In the final space planning, more is to let each step into the experience of life and life itself quiet and beautiful. In this part of the space, our designers are still dedicated to the tender and quiet presentation of all things. The crystal ornament on the wall is an artistic device, which uses the profit and loss of the crystal ball to represent the phase of the moon, and the corresponding chandelier echoes each other, expressing people's fantasies and prayers for the Erhai Moon for thousands of years.

  • 重庆南山里民宿 Nanshanli Hotel, Chongqing
    重庆在我们心目中:山地起伏陡峻、山雾缭绕、竹林围簇。 我们的灵感来源是大山的轮廓、山雾的轮廓、竹林的轮廓、天空云朵的轮廓,我们希望能再塑一个介于自然和建筑之间的轮廓,材质和形态都介于建筑和自然之间的轮廓,给大山一个新的层次,给建筑一个更环抱自然的体验感。林中雾、雾中林,我们希望这种独特的景致为建筑空间的每个视角取景。 我们希望建筑和自然的关系是共生的,所以我们用的建筑材料和空间体验都是尽量简单的,原生态的。在建筑材料上我们尽量使用就地取材的干竹子、砖石,呈现的效果就是白墙、玻璃、植物,我们希望它是大山的一部分,而不是丛林中的微型钢铁城市。在空间体验和生活方式上,我们希望它也是以一种尽量原始的村落状态呈现,农耕田园、铁锅炊烟。 Chongqing in our impression: the mountains rise and fall steeply, the mountains are foggy, and the bamboo forests are surrounded by clusters. Our inspiration source comes from the outline of mountains, fog, bamboo forests and sky clouds. We hope that we can reconstruct the outline between nature and the buildings. The material and form are between the buildings and nature, give the mountain a new level and give the buildings a more natural experience. The fog in the forest, we hope that this unique landscape can be viewed from every perspective of the architectural space. We hope that the relationship between the buildings and nature is symbiotic, so the materials we use and space experience are as simple as possible, original ecological. In building materials, we try to use local dry bamboo and brick, showing the effect of white walls, glass, plants, we hope that it is part of the mountains, rather than the miniature steel city in the jungle. In terms of space experience and lifestyle, we hope that it will also be presented as primitive as possible in the village state, farming, cooking.

  • 归原小镇 Origin Town
    归原小镇简介: 项目位于重庆武隆仙女山,依托于百年荆竹村,以“不失人间烟火的世外桃源和贫困乡村复兴"为目标,规划了民宿,文创,生态农业等六个版块,包括芷芯堂、酒店、国学馆、小耳朵教堂、禅修中心等建筑子项。第一批建成的为芷芯堂和酒店区的七个小房子。 (一)芷芯堂 芷芯堂是归原小镇的接待中心,由一座百年历史的四合院改建而成。四合院面向原野侧的夯土房已经崩坍,只余两处断墙残顶留存。对于四合院的"U"型木制老屋,我们采用整理修缮的办法。而对于塌倒部分,我们既要恢复其四合院格局,又不希望其重回封闭的院落,而是希望通过其改造使四合院成为一个可以与美丽田原充分沟通的空间。我们采用玻璃和钢这类轻盈通透的现代材料将老房子的残留部分重新粘结起来,形成通透的空间。透过这个空间,田野与四合内院视线和气息通畅可达,既有现代气息又不失传统记忆。 (二)七个小房子 七个小房子属酒店区客房,现为等风客栈。对其定位为具有现代林泉气息的传统展现,我们在建筑布局上采用山地聚落形态。在单体建筑上我们采用在地材料(古法干打垒夯石墙和村舍上生满青苔的老瓦)结合现代钢木结构设计。前者是传统的传承,后者则让自然透过大面积的玻璃窗映入室内空间。结构的特征也体现于山林间建筑的外观上—其屋顶设计模拟当地民居直线屋脊因时间而下垂的自然挠度,形成与基地坡度正应和的曲线,给人以沉静的观感。 从高望下,七个房子形成的聚落根植于山谷中,好像从来都矗立于斯。 Origin Town: Located on Fairy Lady Mountain in Chongqing, Origin Town merges modern sensibilities with ancient heritage to create a singular environment that will benefit the local economy. It includes several sub-projects, including a hotel, Zen/medistation center and chapel. The Angelica Heart Hall and the Seven Houses are the first buildings completed. (1)Angelica Heart Hall This small hall was refurbished from a traditional four-sided courtyard, where the house on one side had collapsed. Only two damaged walls and the roof were left standing. The intent was to restore Angelica Heart Hall to its original state, while integrating it with surrounding natural beauty. A number of different methods were incorporated to deal with the existing structures of the field-side house and associated the other three-sided houses. The latter were retained and refurbished. Modern materials, such as steal and glazing, were used to augment the former's remaining aspects and create a connection from the old courtyard to the surrounding fields. This overcame the isolation of the old courtyard while maintaining its presence and heritage. (2) The Seven Houses In it's current guise as the Wind-waiting Hotel, the Seven Houses is a new interpretation of traditional mountain dwelling. The design applies local traditional materials, such as stone and mossed tiles, with modern steel. This allows more natural scenes and light to be introduced through large windows. The curve of the roof reflects local architecture, transcending time, while complimenting the gradient of the adjoining slope. It achieves a natural balance between introduced and innate elements. From atop the ridges of the hills, the one-year-old Seven Houses appears to have been standing there for many, many years.

  • 索迪斯北京办公室项目SODEXO Beijing Office
    Infinity金碧结合SODEXO索迪斯“生活质量”的服务理念,本案以其咖啡品牌艾啡朵入驻办公室的概念破题,前台区域与咖啡吧、茶水间合为一体,创造出开阔舒适、灵活专注的办公环境。色调采用经典黑白灰色系,结合木色,在冷调中增添温润,同时家具配饰鲜明色彩的点缀,在枯燥单调中找寻新意。材料上采用金属网、木地板、不绣钢、穿孔铝板、白色瓷砖等意指现代工业风,在此之上铺以灯光渲染,营造休闲舒适感。天花大胆运用了不同的几何图形和不同木质,错落有致,勾勒规则,呈现耳目一新、时尚脱俗的气质。接待大厅区域的两间会议室选用了移动隔墙,根据需要可以合并成大会议室或培训室,如果需要举办party或gathering时,可以把移动隔墙全部打开结合接待大厅和茶水吧区域,让空间得到最大化的灵活运用。 新式办公场所设计意在为偶遇和快速协作创造机遇。一个良好的办公环境能够通过提高员工的工作效率和积极性,从而帮助企业提高创造力和竞争力。 "Infinity Design and Engineering" did this project reflecting SODEXO's service concept, “Quality of Life" also combining it with a coffee shop. The front area is integrated with a coffee bar and a pantry to create an open, comfortable and flexible office environment. The color scheme is classic black and white, combined with wood color, adding warmth to the cold tones, while the furniture and accessories are decorated with vivid colors, providing some new ideas in the everyday monotony.

  • 上海万科四季都会样板间 Shanghai Vanke Online City Show Room
    DDC上海傲石设计为四季都会打造了未来之家,融入进更多的收纳元素。设计师分别在客餐厅、厨房、主卧等空间增加了收纳柜体,几乎保证了各个功能空间都具备完善的收纳系统。 白色辅以木色,没有什么比白色更干净,更整洁,更能带来内心的平静。金属色的加入,就像一颗薄荷糖融化在泉水里,给空间增添了一丝清新凉爽。 玄关柜体抛弃了传统的“顶天立地”式,柜体底部采用开敞式的无底部设计,这样换鞋会更加方便省时,省去了每日开关柜门的繁琐。 在厨房的收纳上,为了防止油烟的污染,设计师设计了更多的柜体用来收纳。抽屉式的设计也容纳了更多的厨房用品。 在设计电视墙时,我们摒弃了传统的石材、软硬包等效果型设计,完全从功能主义出发,结合暖白与原木色调打造了一个温柔雅润的空间。 在主卧的空间上,设计了一个集化妆台、电视柜、收纳柜于一体的整体柜体。 Shanghai DDC Design is designed to create a future home for the online city, incorporating more storage elements. The designers added storage cabinets in the guest dining room, kitchen, master bedroom and other spaces, which almost ensured that each functional space has a complete storage system. White with wood color, nothing is cleaner and whiter than white, and it brings peace of mind. The addition of metallic color, like a mint sugar melted in the spring water, adds a touch of freshness and coolness to the space. The entrance cabinet has abandoned the traditional “top-of-the-floor” style, and the bottom of the cabinet adopts an open bottomless design, which makes the shoe change more convenient and time-saving, eliminating the cumbersome daily switch cabinet door. In the storage of the kitchen, in order to prevent the pollution of the soot, the designer designed more cabinets for storage. The drawer design also accommodates more kitchen items. When designing the TV wall, we abandoned the traditional stone, soft and hard effect design, completely from the functionalism, combined with warm white and wood tones to create a gentle and elegant space. In the space of the master bedroom, a whole cabinet with a dressing table, a TV cabinet and a storage cabinet is designed.

  • 吾牛寿喜烧日式火锅店Wuniu Shouxi Burns Japanese Hot Pot Restaurant
    沿袭整体日式风格,以“泉、汤”为主题,带入木、石、山、等元素,成为火锅餐厅的入口标识; 打开餐厅大门即可见到一座以牛、枯木、微山、锅等作为主要装饰的主题墙,搭配纸质灯笼造型的灯箱用来强调“深山煮物”的餐厅意涵。 Following the overall Japanese style, with "spring and soup" as the theme, wood, stone, mountain and other elements are brought in to become the entrance logo of the hotpot restaurant. Open the gate of the restaurant and you will see a theme wall decorated with cows, dead wood, Weishan, pots, etc. The light box with paper lanterns is used to emphasize the restaurant's meaning of "cooking in the mountains".

  • AUSTIN私人订制personal tailor
    本案是一家专业量身定制成衣礼服的一家店,空间整体以黑灰色系基调,以金色为配色,形成一种默契又和谐的撞色点缀。成衣展示区以前挑空区域为主,后部空间以休闲、洽谈、工作为主。空间整体性强、处理手法简练、黑灰暗色加以空间的神秘而又幽静感受,从而提升整个店铺的设计品味。 This case is a specialized quantity body has custom-made the ready-made clothing formal clothes a family store, the spatial whole by the black gray is a main key, as matches colors take the golden color, forms one kind of tacit understanding harmoniously to hit the color embellishment.The ready-made clothing demonstrated area before selects the spatial region primarily, behind space by leisure, discussion, work primarily.The spatial integrity strong, the processing technique succinct, the black ash dark color performs the space mystical and also is lonesome and quiet feels, thus promotes the entire shop the design to savor.

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