  • 追剧杯 Binge Watching Vacuum Bottle
    “白天努力养生,晚上尽情刷剧”已经成为现代很多都市青年的生活常态。我们希望设计一个将手机支架和保温杯二合一的产品,解放双手,让人们能够在紧张的工作中,放慢自己的节奏,学会劳逸结合。 设计师于杯盖处设置智能数控温显,将杯内温度可视化,可避免用户急于喝水而导致烫嘴的隐患发生。杯口设计成大口径,表面处理圆润光滑,提升饮水口感。304不锈钢材质的内胆和提篮滤网,可长时间保温。杯底隐藏式手机支架设计,方便收纳。 无论是杯盖处的智能温显还是杯底的手机支架,都体现了设计师对于年轻人现状的理解和关怀。

  • 《苏州集粹》Suzhou collection
    设计说明: 姑苏地区,自古人文荟萃,工商发达,吴文化犹如丰富的宝藏,设计师们将苏州的传统文化用优秀工艺美术做创新设计,让传统与现代艺术完美融合。弘扬博大精深的中华民族传统文化(尤其是江南文化精神),充份体现了我们的民族文化自信。 Design Description: In Suzhou area, people gather together since ancient times, industry and commerce are developed, and Wu culture is like a rich treasure. Designers make innovative designs with excellent arts and crafts of Suzhou's traditional culture, so that tradition and modern art can be perfectly integrated. Carrying forward the extensive and profound traditional culture of the Chinese nation (especially the spirit of culture in the south of the Yangtze River) fully reflects our national cultural confidence.

  • 「那曲水月」老北京胡同四重奏
    在我的城市里,时间倒流,枯木逢春,消失的气味儿、声音和光线被召回,被拆除的四合院、胡同和寺庙恢复原貌,瓦顶排浪般涌向低低的天际线,鸽哨响彻深深地蓝天,孩子们熟知四季的变化,居民们胸有方向感。 ——北岛《城门开》 提到北京,大多数人的脑海里都会第一时间闪现一幅星罗棋布的图景,上面有四四方方的建筑紧密排列,如果以云朵的视角向下俯瞰,那些似毛细血管般舒张的通道,便是京城之魂——胡同。任凭钢筋水泥拔地而起,胡同始终以它悠哉的形象收录着市井百姓的琐碎日常,承载着这座城市最本源的记忆。 漫步在五道营,一家名为“那曲水月”的服装店与其它众多的店铺、咖啡馆等一同驻守在这条街的嘈杂声里。作为这条胡同里开设的第二家那曲店铺,店主咪娜请来老友——室内建筑师王大泉,再次为其服装品牌度身定制专属空间。王大泉本着对传统文化的独到见解,以四重要素交叠的形式着眼于过去和当下,最终让烙印着历史脉络的水月店铺,成为一面观察城市百态的小小窗口。 第一重 容纳枯槁 胡同作为这座城市的“旧”,建筑上的一砖一瓦是刻满了皱纹的肌肤,而房梁作为肌肤之下的筋骨,亦彰显着老建筑的灵魂。 完整保留的房梁撑起空间的精气神儿,轻微包裹的色浆为它的灵魂铺陈了朴素的底色。 水泥粗粝纹路豪放,竹帘细腻形逸潇洒。 在物与物碰撞产生的阴翳波纹和敏感之中,“先生服”的线条被衬托得格外清朗素净。 第二重 鼓动生长 店铺生在胡同长在胡同,房屋的结构已然存在,设计是在为它的内部创造更多可能。 “水月”一名,来自店中的一汪池水,饱有四水归堂的意境。如遇雨水,雨滴顺屋檐倾落,池子收集并圈住这汪生命之源,亦有生生不息的期许。 羽毛枫以孤岛的形式屹立池中,在阴柔的水色里,暗自表露毫不逞强的坚韧。 人在玻璃窗内看向它,它也在窗外向内审视,因此对于四季的变幻莫测,它也呈现着不同的表情。 各色粗陶罐里,盛放着随季节开落的植物。 木香、石榴、桂花、腊梅,在建筑的苍老之中寻求蜕变,生出活脱脱的新意。 第三重 时间涌动 天气会变光影会变,人在空间里的气息会变,每一刻的想法也会变。 人不能两次踏入同一条河流,就像此刻眼前的美景在下一秒瓦解、分崩离析,而后又构成新的色彩和画面。 既然抓不住瞬息万变,也不必执着不必抱怨,设计本就不该将自己置于无所不能的地步。 任由不圆满的事物自由产生、发酵,给变幻莫测的光影、景致留有足够的展现空间,每一次面对都会有新的感动。 第四重 内心止静 让自我潜藏雨环境之中,抚琴弄茶。事物清晰地呈现在眼前,而又隐约在光线之中。 思忖的间隙,心里偶然产生空白,不觉之中被当下的安逸 笼罩着。 望着池水平齐在沿边呼之欲出,水色折射出真与善的心境。 褪去服装店的属性,空间存在的意义,不过是与人相互依存共同成长。 以传统文化当代化演绎的手法,将胡同的基因延续,从局部缩影看向整座城市的文化,是一代人对往昔和今朝最美好的致敬。 项目名称:五道营胡同水月 设计公司:北京天作空间装饰设计有限责任公司 设计主创:王大泉 设计团队:白元皓 设计时间:2018年 完工时间:2019年 项目地点:北京市五道营胡同59号 项目面积:2OO平方米 摄影:马晓春 In my city, time is running backwards; dead trees are awakening in spring; all the disappeared smells, sounds and lights are recalled. The demolished siheyuan, hutong and temple are restored to their original appearance. The tiled roofs are like sea waves running to the low-rise skyline. Pigeons are whistling in blue sky; children are familiar with the changes of seasons, and residents stand firm in faith. --City Gate, Open Up by Bei Dao When it comes to Beijing, most people will immediately have a map in their minds, on which arrays of boxy buildings are closely packed. If viewed from the perspective of clouds, the capillary-liked alleys are the soul of this capital city: that is hutong. Despite the rise of reinforced concrete structures, hutong still exists and records the trivial daily life of common people in the city with its leisurely image, holding the city's most original memories. Strolling in Wudaoying Hutong, a clothing store called "Naqu Shuiyue" is located in the noise of street along with many other shops and cafes. As the second Nagqu store opened in this hutong, the owner Mina invited an old friend, the interior architect Wang Daquan, to design the space for this brand again. Based on his unique insights into traditional culture, Wang Daquan looks at the past and the present in the form of overlapping four important elements. Eventually, the Naqu Shuiyue store, which is imprinted with historical context, has become a small window for observing the city. The first element in quartet Containing the old past As an old part of this city, the bricks and tiles of hutong are wrinkled skin, and the beams under the skin are muscles and bones, being the soul of the old building. The fully retained beams support the spirit of space, and the lightly wrapped color paste provides a simple ground color for its soul. The cement has rough and bold texture and the bamboo curtains have fine and elegant form. Among the shadowy ripples generated by the collision of objects, the lines of gown appear particularly clear and plain. The second element in quartet Arousing growth The store was born in hutong and will grow there. The structure of house already exists, so, the design is to create more possibilities for its interior. The name "Shuiyue" comes from a pool of water in the store, full of the artistic conception of water returning to courtyard from four directions. In the event of rain, raindrops will fall down along the eaves, and the pond will collect them, conveying an expectation of life and growth in nature. Acer palmatum stands in pond in the form of an island, revealing its unyielding tenacity in the soft water. When people look at it from the glass window inside, it also gazes at the inside space right outside the window. Therefore, it presents different expressions according to the unpredictable changes of four seasons. In various colored crude potteries, there are plants that bloom and wither according to the season. The flowers such as rosa banksiae, pomegranate, osmanthus, and wintersweet are seeking changes in the ancient building, bringing a new sense of freedom. The third element in quartet Surge of time The weather changes, the light and shadow change too. The breath of people in space changes, so does human thought at every moment. One cannot step into the same river twice, just as the beauty at the moment will collapse and fall apart in the next second, and then it forms a new color and picture. Since it is impossible to catch all the changes at every moment, it is unnecessary to persist or complain about it. And design shouldn't put itself in the position of omnipotence. When a design allows unsatisfactory things to occur and develop freely, and leaves enough room for the unpredictable light, shadow, and scenery to be displayed, it will have a new impression for each encounter. The fourth element in quartet Peace of mind Let yourself hide in rain, play the Chinese zither and make tea. Things appear clearly in front of you, and dimly in the light. In the intervals between contemplations, occasionally there is a blank space in mind, which is shrouded by the current ease unconsciously. The pool of water seems ready to come out, and the water is reflecting the mental state of truth and goodness. Regardless of the function of clothing store, the significance of this space is interdependent and growing together with people. The project shows traditional culture through contemporary elements, preserving the continuation of hutong history. It reflects the culture of an entire city from a partial miniature, expressing the best respect to the past and present from a generation.

  • HG别墅
    位于北京市顺义区的世嘉别墅是我们工作室刚刚完成的一个500平方米的住宅项目,一对年轻的企业家夫妇带着3个孩子来到我们这里,委托我们打造一个非常现代、舒适和实用的房子,简约和纯粹是必须的。 原来购买的具有相当古典风格的结构无法拆除,因此我们将这些约束视为改进最终设计结果的机会。我们只保留了柱子、横梁和屋顶,把它变成了一个没有装饰或不必要的当代信封元素。相反我们遵循自然光越多越好的逻辑,在墙壁和屋顶上形成大开口。 在内部,一系列的综合空间,从一楼的双高到三层的开放式天花板空间,再加上一个额外的夹层作为屋顶下的四层,为每个家庭成员提供房间,包括猫。一个中心垂直核心结合了工业化的金属工艺和高科技解决方案。三层顶棚横梁上悬挂的铁杆结构的楼梯,一路飘落,直到一层逐渐融化,最后一级台阶与电视墙及其柜子相接,似乎是楼梯走向室外露台的台阶之一。就在楼梯旁边,一部电梯被设计成尽可能少地使用机器空间,并提供一个完全透明的小屋,看起来就像一盏明亮的玻璃灯在地板上平稳地移动。 别墅地理位置的优势之一是面向南部地区的公园,从大多数房间可以看到不同寻常的绿色景观。在客厅里,我们用双层玻璃窗来强调这一点。而在二楼和三楼的全高窗户让绿色景观进入室内空间。 门厅面向街道,入口引导我们进入客厅,客厅被一个精致的百叶窗金属屏风隔开,金属屏风随着阳光方向逐渐旋转。在东侧,一个西式和中式厨房服务于朝南的用餐区。就在外面的庭院里,我们强调了公园的绿色背景,在所有的情节线周围,用一个浅色的木屏风覆盖了原来的混凝土墙。这个屏风将成为一堵绿色的墙,将大自然带入一楼的内部空间。 在二楼,儿童区分为两个房间,两个房间为男孩提供共用浴室,一个房间为女孩提供私人浴室。为了让猫避开孩子们的地板,我们在1楼的墙上设置了一个台阶,穿过双高,然后越过钢琴,最后直接爬到3楼。3F设有客房、带书桌的公共区域、电视区域和吧台,主卧室、主浴室和步入式衣柜均在套房内。 一个非常实用的钢楼梯设计,以节省空间和攀登3.2米高的附加夹层采取休闲区在这个新的4F,其中还包括一个阅读和放松网。我们打开了4扇窗户的屋顶,让自然光透过网格来冲洗整个3F无窗区域。 结果是一个明亮,现代和最小的别墅,白色是主要的颜色,以加强空间的限制。关键的金属元素和窗框是黑色的,在构图上形成鲜明的对比。地板和橱柜都加入了柔和的木纹,带来了温暖和柔软的平衡,再加上室外的绿色和充足的阳光,使整体感觉自然、干净、舒适。

  • 合·境 He·Jing
    于山水大境之间匿藏山水雅境,在中式群落之中隐迹中式合院,这便是本案的特殊之处。这栋坐落于惠州中海汤泉的温泉别墅,面积近300平方米,设计师充分融汇了天人合一的设计精髓,以本于自然而又高于自然的独特思考,弘扬传统而又不拘泥于传统,构建了一座人与自然和谐相处的东方意境合院。   素有“半城山色半城湖”美誉的惠州,成为许多人看尽人间繁华,寻求精神皈依的理想之所。屋主夫妇游历世界各地,尽享人间繁宠,却在人生高光时,不舍根脉,渴望一方中式院落,盛放半世乡思。 设计师精准把握屋主诉求,巧借身处徽派建筑群落的环境特点,在弘扬中国传统建筑文脉、营造东方意境美学的同时,引景入室,幕幕入心,成就了这套“虽由人作,宛若天开”的新中式合院居所。 一个院落,三层屋舍,是本案的初始结构。设计师在空间雕琢中尤其注重与环境相融,以马头墙、滴水檐、白粉壁、影壁等元素,重构围合墙体,在保留传统制式住宅格局的同时,通过实墙和窗棂的巧嵌呼应,让建筑与自然实现融会贯通,形成了一个可以互相渗透的庭院聚落。庭院之中,最大程度地尊重地域特点和风俗特点,温泉泳池涤风尘,“闲亭”茶室候流年。 承于徽派风格,而又推陈出新的新中式风格,更侧重人与自然的和谐相处。在窗棂造型、在窗帘配饰、在屏风隔断等随处可见的回字纹,与雕花悬梁隔空对话,再辅以木质家具、大理石台阶、墨色地砖的点缀,氤氲出静谧雅致的东方意境。并大胆开设落地窗、格窗、小轩窗等,与室内天井相互配合,不仅将自然之光引入室内,更将自然之景延伸屋中,缩天地美境于方寸,纳春秋四季于一室,使得景在室内,人在景中,自然彰显出“坐看云卷云舒,静听花开花落”的怡然自得。 作品在空间布局上的设计创新点: 室内的原始空间中,过道狭长、客厅太小、功能分区不明显、厨房不大等缺点,都降低了居住的舒适度。设计师破除了原有结构上的不足,以轴线对称的手法重新诠释每个空间之间的关系,特别是在会客区和餐区,两个空间视觉上灵活贯通。并巧用天花结构和屏风,让物与物之间产生“隔”与“联”,达到空间和时间高度统一的视觉效果。 中式空间常常给人以沉重压抑之感。本案在紧扣中式传统这一主题的同时,特别注重在空间布局中营造灵动、通透之感。无论是人字顶的匠心运用,立柱的独特设计,还是镂空隔断的巧妙铺排,都渲染出空灵通透之感。同时,线条明快、色泽柔和的家具,与浅色飘逸的窗帘遥相呼应,增添了舒适、轻盈之感。 作品在设计选材上的设计创新点:   强调环保性、功能性、实用性,本案所用材质以可循环再生的木结构,以及抗腐蚀较强的麻石为主。整体设计中,以带有木纹的石质地面,反衬木质的屋顶、屏风、家具、窗棂,再恰到好处地点缀太湖石、紫砂壶等,实现气质与韵味的相互融合。 同时,玻璃落地窗、楼梯玻璃扶手等玻璃材质的运用,不仅让增加了空间的灵动感,更实现了光与影的交叠融合,幻化出一副玄妙清奇的艺术画面。 而适当的木皮家具的选用,则在呼应整体氛围的同时,柔和了木质线条的坚硬感和石质地砖的冰冷感,提升整体居住的舒适度。 此外,现代智能控制系统的采用,则满足了现代居所的便捷需求。  未必铺张才是奢华,也未必昂贵才见品质,本案以最适合的材质、最用心的设计、最贴合需求的效果,赢得了屋主夫妇的高度肯定。 女屋主热爱传统文化,优雅精致,所以雕梁画栋、亭台楼阁处,水墨晕染,竹林通幽,花草相间;男屋主好客好茶,热爱艺术,所以“闲亭”茶舍,烹茶论道,博古展区,珍品雅藏。 整体设计中,既留存中式庭院的雅致之境,又天人合一地实现人与自然的和谐共处,因此屋主称赞之余,不由感叹:吾心安处是吾乡! The special feature of this case is that it conceals the landscape elegance among the landscapes and hides the Chinese courtyard in the Chinese community. This hot spring villa, located in Zhonghai Spring of Huizhou city, covers an area of nearly 300 square meters. The designer fully integrates the design essence of the unity of man and nature, with the unique thinking of being based on nature and higher than nature, carrying forward the tradition but not sticking to the tradition, and constructs an Oriental artistic conception courtyard where man and nature live in harmony. Known as "half city mountain lake," Huizhou has become an ideal place for many people to see the prosperity of the world and seek spiritual conversion. The owner and his wife travel around the world to enjoy the world's numerous pets, but in the highlight of life, do not give up the root veins, longing for a Chinese courtyard, full of half-life nostalgia. By precisely grasping the appeal of the house owner, the designer skillfully takes advantage of the environmental characteristics of huizhou architecture group to promote the traditional Chinese architectural context and create the Oriental artistic conception and aesthetics, and at the same time, bring the scene into the room and the curtain into the heart, thus achieving this new Chinese-style courtyard residence "made by people, just like the sky opens". A courtyard, three - storey house, is the initial structure of the case. Designer especially pays attention to harmony with the environment in the space to carve, horsehead walls, dripping eaves, white wall, screen wall elements, such as refactoring enclosing wall, in the traditional pattern of residential landscape at the same time, through the solid wall and Windows embedded echo opportunely, architecture and nature to achieve mastery, can form a mutual penetration of the courtyard settlement. In the courtyard, the characteristics of the region and customs are respected to the greatest extent. The hot spring swimming pool is cleaned of dust and the "leisure pavilion" teahouse is waiting for the passing of time. Inherited from the Hui-style style, but the new Chinese style, more emphasis on the harmony between man and nature. Modelling of window lattice, deserve to act the role of in the curtain, wait for the word grain that can be seen everywhere in screen partition, lie between empty dialogue with carvings suspended beam, complementary again woodiness furniture, marble step, inky floor tile adorn, dense give quiet and refined Oriental artistic conception. And boldly open French Windows, shutters, small inn window, etc., and indoor patio to cooperate with each other, not only to introduce natural light indoor, more will naturally JingYanShen house, beauty condition in heart of heaven and earth, the spring and autumn period and the four seasons in one room, made in an indoor scene, in the landscape, natural highlights "sitting watching clouds scud across, listening flowers bloom" is everywhere. Innovative points in the design of spatial layout: In the original space of interior, corridor is long and narrow, sitting room is too small, functional partition is not apparent, kitchen is not big wait for shortcoming, reduced the comfort that lives. Stylist broke the inadequacy on original structure, reinterpret the relation between each space with the gimmick of axial symmetry, receive a visitor especially area and eat area, two dimensional vision go through flexibly. And use smallpox structure and screen opportunely, make between the thing and thing produce "lie between" with "link", achieve the visual effect with space and time height unified. Chinese style space often gives a person with heavy oppressive sense. This case is close to this theme of Chinese style tradition while, pay special attention to build clever, transparent feeling in dimensional layout. Whether it is the ingenious use of the herringbone top, the unique design of the column, or the ingenious layout of the hollow partition, rendering a sense of ethereal transparency. In the meantime, the furniture with bright line, downy colour and lustre, echo with the curtain of light color elegant at a distance, added comfortable, lightsome feeling. The design innovation points of the works in material selection: Emphasize environmental protection sex, function, practical, this case uses material to be able to recycle the wooden structure that regenerates, and resist corrode stronger hemp is given priority to. In the overall design, the stone ground with wood grain is used as a contrast against the wooden roof, screen, furniture, window lattice, and then appropriately dotted with Taihu stone, purple sand kettle, etc., to achieve the mutual integration of temperament and charm. In the meantime, the application of glass material such as armrest of glass of glass of French window, stair glass is qualitative, let the spirit that increased a space moves feeling not only, more realized light and shade overlap confluence, unreal changes the artistic picture that gives a pair of mysterious and qing Qi. And the choice of appropriate woodskin furniture, while echo integral atmosphere, downy the hard feeling of woodiness line and the cold feeling of stone qualitative floor tile, promote the comfort that whole lives. In addition, the use of modern intelligent control system, to meet the needs of modern housing convenience. Not necessarily extravagant just is costly, also not necessarily expensive just sees quality, this case is qualitative with the most suitable material, the design with the most heart, most the effect that accords with demand, won the height affirmation of house advocate a couple. Female house owners love traditional culture, elegant and delicate, so carved beams, pavilions, pavilions, ink, bamboo forest, flowers and plants alternate; Male house main hospitality good tea, love art, so "leisure pavilion" tea house, cooking tea, ancient exhibition area, treasures elegant collection. In the overall design, it not only retains the elegance of the Chinese courtyard, but also realizes the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Therefore, when praised by the house owner, I cannot help lamenting that my heart is at peace with my hometown!

  • 归隐于院子 Hidden in the yard
    这是位于中国西部城市——重庆南山之巅的一个中式院子;业主找到设计团队,希望通过设计打造一个与自然和谐共处的现代院落;同时满足男主人爱好安静,断舍离,禅修的生活方式并能够与家人和睦生活在一起 中国传统四合院建筑,四面房间围绕中庭天井的方式,每个房间只能单面采光,而且开窗很小,导致采光通风都不好,不符合现代人的居住需求。在本案中,设计师将多处面向院子内庭的窗户极致化扩大,使得室内光线更好,室内随处可以与自然对话;并且设计了一个横穿院子的半封闭的廊桥,使得主人可以在任何天气情况下自由通达前后院的室内空间,增设回廊这样的半户外空间,使得主人可以更好的亲近自然,使得这处中式院子更符合现代人的生活方式 家中男主人爱好礼佛,禅修,故而设计师将前院的单层建筑主要作为男主人的修养空间,大面积留白,空灵安静,大厅除了玄关,只放置了一架钢琴和对着落地窗的休闲躺椅。另单独设置了一间禅修室,有传统的木梁,横向的窗外竹影斑驳,是一个和心灵对话的独处空间;而父母孩子的家庭生活则安放在后院的两层小楼里,一楼专设了家人交流娱乐的家庭厅,多间卧室都可以随处看到院子中庭的美景;前院的静区和后院的生活区,通过中庭的院子来链接,而且处于中间位置的厨房和餐厅,一家人一起吃饭,聊天,天气晴朗时在院子中的大桌子处还可以和朋友聚餐,使得这个院子,可静可动,实现了主人对家的所有期待! 此套院子的花园,经过精心设计,中西合璧,多处运用圆形元素,与方正的四合院相得益彰。家中的陈列少而精,少数的老家具是业主父辈流传下来的,被设计师安放在合适的空间,软装也是精简而克制,营造出一种安静,大隐隐于世的空间氛围。 这是一个家,更是一个修养身心的自然院子。 This is a Chinese-style courtyard located at the top of Nanshan Mountain in Chongqing, a city in western China; the owner found a design team, hoping to create a modern courtyard in harmony with nature through the design; at the same time, it satisfies the male owner's hobby of quiet, resignation, and meditation life Way and able to live in harmony with family In the traditional Chinese courtyard building, the four-sided rooms surround the atrium patio. Each room can only be lighted on one side, and the windows are small, resulting in poor lighting and ventilation, which does not meet the living needs of modern people. In this case, the designer maximized the expansion of multiple windows facing the inner courtyard of the courtyard to make the interior light better, and the interior can communicate with nature everywhere; and designed a semi-enclosed bridge across the courtyard, so that the owner can Under weather conditions, the indoor space of the front and rear yards can be freely accessed. The addition of a semi-outdoor space such as a cloister allows the owner to get closer to nature, making this Chinese-style yard more in line with modern lifestyles The male owner of the family likes to worship Buddha and meditation. Therefore, the designer used the single-story building in the front yard as a cultivation space for the male owner. The large area was left blank, and it was ethereal and quiet. In addition to the entrance, the hall only placed a piano and facing the French windows. Leisure lounge chair. There is also a separate meditation room with traditional wooden beams and mottled bamboo shadows outside the horizontal windows. It is a solitary space for dialogue with the soul; while the family life of parents and children is placed in a two-story building in the backyard. The building has a family room for family communication and entertainment. Many bedrooms can see the beautiful view of the courtyard atrium; the quiet area of ??the front yard and the living area of ??the backyard are connected by the courtyard of the atrium, and the kitchen and dining room are located in the middle. , The family eats together, chats, and when the weather is fine, you can also have a meal with friends at the big table in the yard. This makes the yard static and movable, fulfilling all the expectations of the owner for home! The garden of this yard has been carefully designed, combining Chinese and Western styles, and circular elements are used in many places to complement the square courtyard. The display in the home is small and sophisticated. A few old furniture is passed down by the owner’s father’s generation and placed in a suitable space by the designer. The soft furnishings are also streamlined and restrained, creating a quiet and hidden space atmosphere. This is a home, but also a natural yard to cultivate the body and mind.

  • 永生PET板 Recyclable PET Flooring&Wall Panel
    永生PET板的厚度仅4-5mm,是新一代符合可持续发展的板材,可以作为墙板、地板使用。首次将各种回收后的PET物品(如衣服、水杯等)应用于板材行业,它的PET基材废弃后还可以再多次进行回收利用,大幅减少了现行塑料材料的白色污染和新料的使用。利用相似相融的原理,无需胶水等粘合剂的使用,做到PET板与UV材料层层牢固结合。表面硬度高达67,可有效抗冲击,而且防滑耐磨,便于维护和保养,使用寿命10年以上。搭配静音垫还能有效降低噪音。锁扣安装,方便快捷。安装所占空间小,节省了使用空间。它的装饰性极佳,适用于现代简约、北欧风情、唯美简欧、轻奢主义等多种风格的家居环境。 得益于高清喷墨技术和数码打印工艺,该产品的4种设计纹路与图案得以完美呈现: 1. 劳伦白金以劳伦白作为底色,以金色边线条勾勒图案,纹理细腻顺滑,展现着宛若真实石材的深邃质地。 2. 施陶芬贝格以诺曼底中灰作为底色,清雅、宁静,独具侘寂设计格调。 3. 斯洛文尼亚以雅典灰作为底色,隐藏着原始的自然气息,具有一种包容万象的美感。 4. 星月夜的灵感来自印象派画家文森特·威廉·梵高的作品《星月夜》。其采用多种色彩饱满的颜色,将整片五彩斑斓星空完美呈现在眼前。淡蓝的色调,动感的线条,给人自由的时空感和无限遐想。 You’re what you buy.永生PET板为消费者提供了一种新的环保消费方式,充分体现了企业“把森林留给大自然,让人类享受绿色生活”的理念。 Recyclable PET Flooring&Wall Panel is only 4-5 mm thick, which is a new generation panel that complies with sustainable development requirements. It is the first application in the flooring& panel industry globally with various kinds of recycled PET items(from clothes, water cups, etc.), while its PET Core can still be recycled many times after being discarded, thus significantly reducing the white pollution of existing plastic materials and the abuse of new materials. Based on the principle of "fusion of same material", no adhesives or glue are used, and a solid adhesion is still reached between the PET and the UV material. With a surface hardness up to 67, it can effectively resist impact. And its waterproof, anti-slip and abrasion resistance characteristics make it usable for more than 10 years, and it is easy to maintain and repair. A combination with the acoustic pad can effectively reduce noise. And installation with click system is simple and fast. The space occupied after installation is small, leaving more space for utilization. Moreover, it is a perfect decorative material, suitable for a variety of styles of home environment, such as modern simplicity, Nordic style, simple European, light luxury. The product can be perfectly restored in 4 designs and patterns thanks to high-definition ink jet technology and digital printing technology: 1. Featuring a restrained design, Lauren Platinum contains patterns outlined by golden edge lines in a background color of Lauren white, as well as delicate and smooth texture, vividly presenting the high quality as real stone. 2. Stauffenberg adopts Normandie gray as the background color, characterized by wabi-sabi design style, which is quiet, elegant. 3. Slovenia features a background color of Athens gray, which carries the original natural flavor, and brings an all-embracing beauty. 4. Inspired by the work "The Starry Night" of the Impressionist painter Vincent William van Gogh, Starry Night uses diverse colors to perfectly render the entire colorful starry sky. The light blue tone and dynamic lines leave people with a free sense of time and space and infinite reverie. You’re what you buy. Providing consumers with a new choice of environmental protection consumption, this product fully embodies the enterprise's concept of "Leave The Forest To The Nature & Let The Human Enjoy The Green World".

  • 以洞之名
    该作品是一家以窑洞为设计灵感的汽车饰品专卖店,位于长沙市的德思勤城市广场。就如同四千多年前窑洞与人们的共生关系一般,如今汽车也逐渐成为生活中的必需品。该作品的空间设计采用了黄土高原窑洞的建筑形式,整体以厚实、质朴的黄土色为主基调,充满了浑厚的历史感。中间隔断墙则采用现代彩色夯土墙,以还原淳朴的生态质感,平衡空间的色彩基调,增强空间的氛围特性。而墙体壁龛式的设计灵感来源于山西的云岗石窟,把供奉着石佛的窟龛造型应用到室内空间,对产品进行逐一展示。每一处的壁龛内都放置着精美的汽车饰品,饰品在粗糙夯土墙的反衬、和顶部灯光的聚焦下,向人们呈现了它们特有的现代质感。此外,设计师改良了窑洞顶上悬挑梁的设计,将现代化新型钢丝灯带融入其中,让纯白色的穹顶结构拥有了明暗交替的变化,为整个店内空间更增几分层次感。大门则采用了古代马车的拱形车篷造型;而窑洞本身承载着厚重、悠久的黄土文化,汽车饰品是现代工业科技产物,所以这个空间体现的更是一种传统与现代的结合、黄土文化与现代工业文化的融合。 The work, inspired by caves, is a car accessories store located in Taskin City Plaza, Changsha. Just like the cave-human symbiosis over four thousand years ago, cars evolve as a necessity of life nowadays. Based on the architectural form of caves on the loess plateau, the work’s space design features thick and rustic loess color as the dominant hue, lending a touch of profound history. A modern colored loam wall serves as the middle partition to restore a simple ecological sense and reconcile the space color palettes, thus highlighting the space atmosphere. The wall niches are inspired by the Yungang Grottoes in Shanxi province, and the niche-shaped stands, once dedicated to enshrining Buddhas, are now applied to the interior space to display the exquisite car accessories one by one, which take on a unique modern look against the rough earth walls amid the light at the top. Besides, the design of the cantilever beams on the cave’s ceiling has been improved by integrating modern steel wire light strips, giving a shading alteration to the pure white dome structure and rendering a sense of layering to the interior space. The entrance door is shaped like an arched hood seen in ancient carriages. With the cave, which is heavily tinged with profoundness and antiquity of loess culture, and the car accessories coming as a result of modern industrial technology, space embodies more of the fusion of tradition and modernity, as well as the loess culture and the modern industrial culture.

  • 品胜大讲堂 Make ID OFFICE
    重庆品胜科技有限公司,是中国领先的数字标识技术公司。涉及通信、电力、金融、医疗等民生行业提供标记和识别服务,以”赋予万物数字身份,构筑智能社会基石“为使命,践行着“每一次标记,都是一次与世界的连接”的初心,让每一个看似冰冷、严肃的标记行为都变成极具温度的人文关怀。 本次设计空间是该公司位于7F的新办公室,以会议、教育、交流,展示企业文化及员工关怀。项目面积约1000㎡。 LS设计团队将本次 设计的重点放在—— “ 序列感 企业文化传承 绿色环保 未来感 提升员工幸福感 ” 品胜大讲堂承担了整个企业教育培训,对外展示的主要功能,除核心区域的大剧场讲堂,还包含了接待、董事长办公室、工作区域、会议中心、垃圾回收通道;以及休息放松区域的自助餐厅及花园厨房、员工菜地等。 「空间人格」?——一个倚赖于“人”和“秩序”而存在的空间,需要拥有严谨与活力的双重个性。 几何线条和暖白粗质的材质从电梯走廊延伸到空间内部,使整个场所形成同一气质。 狭长的过道为整个场域定下冷静、理性的基调;品胜产品丰满着空间细节,在不经意间展现着前沿科技的「弄潮儿」姿态。 一步狭长一步宽景,设计师营造一开一合的空间节奏,给足受众探索和想象的余地。 自然、素净营造出空间的人文气息,透过视觉与触觉感知空间的细腻和温度,淡化技术产物的陌生与高冷,主动建立人与科技的亲密。 「情绪脉络」? 人文无形,却最具魅力。一边追逐着科技的未来感,一边立足于生活的本源,品胜人将工作与日常都归置于某种仪式之中。 根植于这样的文化,设计师通过色彩、材质、元素、光与空间造型交织出的序列,将品胜人的幸福感与归属感在空间中延续,跟随空间的场景变化,感知情绪张弛的脉络。 以古典剧场感的拱形给足了空间仪式感,为空间增添流动与静谧的永恒定义,并被人的精神世界所感知;拱形序列之下衍生出陈列台,将品胜各时期的代表产品按时间轴依次陈列,在空间中形成剧场感,加深人、物、空间的关联。 「品胜学院」,承担着企业教育的社会职责,多变的场景,复合的互动,为人们的会议、表演、学习、培训等集体活动创造更多可能。 拱门立面墙在多功能厅两侧延展,屏蔽玻璃幕墙的老旧与凌乱,让空间造型重获新生;多变的场景,复合的互动,为人们的会议、表演、培训等集体活动创造更多可能。 门洞元素延申至员工休闲区、用餐区,在“边界”与“之间”中使空间柔和贯通,让人情绪自然释放;空间之外被置入园艺景观概念。 品胜人亲手开辟、打理菜园,在日常中融入美感,重塑人与自然互动共享的栖息地。 斯卡帕曾说 —— “你需要创造某些关系, 让事物变得生动起来。” 品胜办公空间对创造「有效关系」做出了正面回应,通过梳理企业背后的个性、情绪、人文等多重关系,在设计语境中实现平衡与串联,优化人的工作、生活意识,提高人的自律性和创造力,这便是新生的文明。 Founded in 2006, Chongqing Pinsheng Technology is committed to providing marking and identification services for the people’s livelihood industries such as communications, power, finance, and medical care. With the mission of “giving digital identities to all things and becoming the cornerstone of an intelligent society”, they practice “every time Marking is a connection with the world" the original intention, so that every seemingly cold and serious marking behavior becomes a very warm humanistic care. The designer Zhou Zijian re-examined the relationship of contemporary office space, and refined the four cores of the enterprise-system, order, creativity, environmental protection, soft sensibility and rationality, and revealed the core of modern civilization and the futuristic sense of technology invisibly in the space. . A space that depends on "people" and "order" needs to have the dual personality of rigor and vitality. Geometric lines and warm white rough materials extend from the elevator corridor to the interior of the space, giving the entire place a uniform temperament. The long and narrow aisle sets a calm and rational tone for the entire field; Pinsheng products are full of spatial details, inadvertently showing the "trend" attitude of cutting-edge technology. One step is narrow and one step is wide. The designer creates a space rhythm of opening and closing, giving the audience plenty of room for exploration and imagination. The nature, simplicity and antiquity of wabi-sabi creates a humanistic atmosphere in the space, perceives the delicateness and temperature of the space through vision and touch, dilutes the unfamiliarity and coldness of technical products, and actively establishes the intimacy between man and technology. Humanity is invisible, but the most charming. While chasing the futuristic sense of science and technology, while based on the origin of life, Pinsheng people put work and daily life into a certain ritual. Rooted in such a culture, the designer uses the interweaving sequence of colors, materials, elements, light and spatial modeling to continue the happiness and sense of belonging of Pingsheng people in the space, following the changes of the space and perceiving the context of emotional relaxation. . The classic arched architecture gives a sense of space ritual. The pure and smooth geometric blocks are full of vitality in the walk of the sun, adding an eternal definition of flow and tranquility to the space, and is perceived by the spiritual world of people; A display stand is derived from the shape sequence, which displays the representative products of Pinsheng in each period in sequence according to the time axis, forming a sense of theater in the space and deepening the relationship between people, objects and space. The arch fa?ade wall extends on both sides of the multifunctional hall, shielding the old and messy glass curtain wall, allowing the space to be reborn; the new space has a new identity --- "Pingsheng College", which is responsible for the society of corporate education Responsibilities, changeable scenes, and complex interaction create more possibilities for people's collective activities such as meetings, performances, learning, and training. The doorway invisibly separates the office area, the leisure area, and the dining area. The space is softly connected between the “boundary” and the “between”, allowing people to naturally release their emotions; the concept of gardening landscape is placed outside the space, and at the same time , Pinsheng personally develops and manages vegetable gardens, integrates beauty into daily life, and reshapes the habitat that humans and nature interact and share. Scarpa once said: "You need to create certain relationships to make things come alive." Pinsheng office space responded positively to the creation of “effective relationships”. By combing through the multiple relationships behind the company’s personality, emotions, and humanities, it achieves balance and connection in the design context, optimizes people’s work and life awareness, and improves people. The self-discipline and creativity, this is the new civilization.

  • 积-算 SMARTBOX
    “积算”是一款拥有“加减乘除”算法的模块化益智玩具。三岁至九岁是宝宝认知能力的快速发育期,大量接收色彩、数字、空间等信息。这时给予孩子适当的启蒙输入,能极大引导孩子大脑逻辑思维的形成。“积算”是在传统积木的形式基础上,内设四块NFC算法模块,分别是两块数字模块+算法模块+显示模块。当一组模块正确贴近时,显示模块会显示相应算法的答案,并且播放答案的提示音,根据儿童理解能力的水平,适当增减模块数量,从而调整算法的难易程度。让孩子快乐的学习与成长,在玩耍中启蒙未来~ 儿童乐于在玩耍中吸取知识,枯燥的教学让孩子难以快速接受。积算是一款玩耍与学习相结合的启蒙玩具,传统积木只是数字符号的简单组合,缺乏信息反馈。积算的优势在于更好的结合了“积木形式”与“算数逻辑”,并且在显示模块中搭配声音播放反馈信息,积木更有趣,孩子注意力更集中。 "Smartbox" is a modular educational toy with basic math algorithm for Children, 3-9 year-old is they rapid development period of cognitive ability, they receive a large number of color, number, space and other information. At this time, giving children appropriate enlightenment input can greatly develop and guide they logical thinking. "Smartbox" is based on the form of traditional building blocks, with four NFC algorithm modules, which are two digital modules + algorithm modules + display modules. When a group of modules get close to the others correctly, the display module will display the answer of the corresponding algorithm, and play the prompt tone of the answer. According to the level of kids’ understanding ability, the number of modules should be appropriately increased or decreased, so as to adjust the difficulty of the algorithm. Let children learn and grow happily and enlighten the future in playing~ Children are willing to absorb knowledge with playing, boring teaching makes they acceptation more difficult and slower. The traditional building block is a simple combination of numbers and symbols and lack of feedback information (the correct answer). The advantage of Smartbox lies in a better combination of "building block form" and "arithmetic logic", and in the display module with sound to play the answer, the reason to make the building blocks are more interesting and children's attention is more focused.

  • 玫瑰喷泉The rose fountain
    玫瑰喷泉突破了以往钻戒平面与静态的设计惯例,让钻戒所有角度都成为审美焦点,这与传统的钻戒有很大的区别。我们以创意设计发现珠宝的无限可能,也以此向新时代女性传达敢于不同、敢为人先的独立精神。 旋转弧度不仅仅外观优美,在建筑设计与工业设计中应用很常见,但我们在珠宝设计中创新借鉴了建筑学原理,采用旋转镶嵌工艺展现喷泉水柱旋转而上的柔美感和92%高进光折射率,使得钻戒弧形动线优美并且兼顾增加钻石的闪耀。 与同类作品相比,采用独特镂空结构,弥补了以往钻戒设计中对钻石侧面与底部光线效果的忽视,使得光线可以穿越台座缝隙,使得钻戒无论在何种角度下,看起来都更为通透与闪耀;戒指内壁采用符合人体工学的Smile Arc弧度,使得戒指佩戴起来更为舒适。 The rotation curve is not only beautiful in appearance, but also common in architectural design and industrial design. However, in our innovation of jewelry design, we have learned from architectural principles and adopted the rotating Mosaic process to show the soft feeling of the water column of fountain and 92% high refractive index of light, which make the arc moving line of diamond ring more beautiful and increase the sparkle of diamond. The rose fountain breaks through the previous design conventions of flat and static diamond ring and makes all angles of the diamond ring become the aesthetic focus, which is very different from the traditional diamond ring. Through creative design, we discover the infinite possibilities of jewelry, and thus convey the independent spirit of daring to be different and pioneering to women in the new era. Compared with similar works, the unique hollow structure makes up for the neglect of the light effect on the side and bottom of the diamond in the previous diamond design, and enables the light to pass through the gap of the pedestal to make the diamond ring look more transparent and shining no matter at what Angle. The inside of the ring uses an ergonomic Smile Arc radian and this makes the ring more comfortable to wear.

  • 阿戈斯创新中心
    新阿尔戈斯-伊菲特中心的建筑设计方案体现了工业界和大学之间的伙伴关系。它变成了一艘船,里面装着一系列精密的仪器,一个高素质的人类团队利用这些工艺品来追踪通往创新的旅程。建筑是一艘停泊在校园里的船只,一个支撑点,作为不同角色之间相遇和汇聚的场所。这种协同作用使得校园区域充满了创新中心计划; 通过安置和保护使得大学社区、私营企业、科学家和学术界之间进行永久和毫无防备的接触。在这个方向上,一个汇聚的地方被创造出来,在友好的氛围中产生相遇,这样的环境可以培养创造力。阿戈斯-帕拉-因诺瓦西翁中心位于河流和地区大道边缘的埃菲特大学校园内。麦德林河无声地见证了城市公司的诞生。EAFIT校园自70年代就位于附近,与河流紧密相连。然而,考虑到区域大道和地铁作为隔离屏障的通道所产生的环境条件,校园通过创造内部环境与城市隔离开来。一个大学公园已经被开发出来,它利用每一个空隙来实现友好的环境,将自己与恶劣的环境隔离开来并把它自身封闭起来。大楼的设置使大学校园向城市开放。它基于阿戈斯创新中心的强大存在来庆祝这一理念,该中心提出了与由承重混凝土墙组成的标志性立面的直接关系。这面墙排列着数百个预制 GRC 圆锥体。除了控制建筑内部的温度、亮度和景观,锥体还暗指眼睛和室内使用的精密仪器的观察者。该项目建议改善沿河的边缘和整个城市轮廓。这座建筑位于最偏西的地方,以释放大学内部的最大空间。这个位置培养了一个友好和平静的室内环境,与建筑一同作为城市和校园之间的调解人。地面从新的Jun pergola(校园的中央步行轴线)开始改变其斜坡,在那里建立一个由数千个高阻预制混凝土元素构成的立面被提议,它随着行人的速度产生了一个变化的立面的错觉,在移动中直接参考动态运动。室内立面是一个巨大的格子,它过滤来自东方的光线,并控制室内的热量水平。斜坡形成了一个绿树成荫的庭院花园,从这里可以看到在实验室里进行研究的科学家们的工作。在此之上,一楼有不同的通道,在不同的层次上延伸了创新中心内的校园活动。这个开放性并不仅仅局限于一楼,它通过工作空间周边的循环和散布在工作空间之间的自由区域,延伸到建筑的不同层次。通过这种方式,人们不仅可以观察实验室内发生的事情,而且还可以享受花园创造的氛围和立面上光线的入射。在一种外部和内部之间不确定的状态下,当一个人在建筑物内部时,他就在校园的空间里。这座建筑让整个大学社区都能使用和享受它,创造了一个会议场所,在那里,研究以可见的和日常的方式加强。

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