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Hippo结合了全新的智能科技,专注于为用户打造一款兼具品味与安全的儿童书包。融合英伦学院风格,设计师力求以简洁、对称的设计语言传达产品的风度与优雅。产品设计了GPS定位与一键报警功能,并突破性地将其无缝融入书包的内部设计中,而不显突兀。结合其独立开发的APP,家长可以观察到儿童的当前定位,并以此判断儿童是否安全。一键报警功能允许儿童通过长按肩带上的SOS按钮 发出报警信号,吸引路人注意,同时向家长手机发送报警讯号,为儿童的人身安全增添保障。 符合人体工学的设计是HIPPO的另一特点,其具有专利的U+2多维度承托设计能够分散背负重力,使儿童背负不费力。内置护脊板,与U形中空海绵相结合,能够引导儿童打开肩部,保持挺拔的姿态,防止驼背。书包的容量设计参考人体承受极限,力图将书包重量控制在舒适范围之内,保护儿童脊椎。 HIPPO 采用 PSL 超轻皮革、海绵以及轻量发泡支撑板,使用轻量化的材料减少书包自重 。皮质表面具有良好的防水性,在书包满负重的情况下依然能浮起,避免儿童溺水事故。书包上盖特别设置反光条,有效警示来往车辆,为儿童夜间出行保驾护航。 Based on the new smart technology, Hippo focuses on creating a children’s school bag that is both tasteful and safe. The designer strived to convey the demeanor and elegance of the product with simple and symmetrical elements via blending the British style. Functions such as GPS positioning and one-click alarm seamlessly fit into the internal design of the schoolbag innovatively and naturally. Thanks to the self-developed APP, parents can know the current position of the child and thus confirm whether he/she is safe. The one-click alarm function enables children to send an alerting signal by long-pressing the SOS button on the shoulder strap to catch the attention of passersby while sending the signal to the parents’ mobile phones, safeguarding their security. Hippo is also characterized by the ergonomic design, whose patented U+2 multi-dimensional bearing can disperse the gravity of the back and thereby allow children to carry the bag effortlessly. With its built-in spine-supporting board and the U-shaped hollow sponge, it guides children to open their shoulders and maintain an upright posture to prevent hunchback. The capacity of the bag is designed based on the human body’s maximum tolerance, to keep its weight within a comfortable range and protect children’s spines. HIPPO adopts various lightweight materials such as PSL ultra-light leather, foam and the lightweight foam support plate to reduce the net weight of the bag. Due to the good water resistance on the leather surface, the bag can float even when it is in full load to prevent children from drowning. The top cover of the bag is specially designed with reflective strips to alert the passing vehicles, ensuring children’s safety when they go out at night.