Federation Member
《苏州集粹》Suzhou collection
苏州集粹时尚创意设计有限公司 Suzhou Jicui fashion creative design Co., Ltd
设计说明: 姑苏地区,自古人文荟萃,工商发达,吴文化犹如丰富的宝藏,设计师们将苏州的传统文化用优秀工艺美术做创新设计,让传统与现代艺术完美融合。弘扬博大精深的中华民族传统文化(尤其是江南文化精神),充份体现了我们的民族文化自信。 Design Description: In Suzhou area, people gather together since ancient times, industry and commerce are developed, and Wu culture is like a rich treasure. Designers make innovative designs with excellent arts and crafts of Suzhou's traditional culture, so that tradition and modern art can be perfectly integrated. Carrying forward the extensive and profound traditional culture of the Chinese nation (especially the spirit of culture in the south of the Yangtze River) fully reflects our national cultural confidence.