Federation Member
合·境 He·Jing
于山水大境之间匿藏山水雅境,在中式群落之中隐迹中式合院,这便是本案的特殊之处。这栋坐落于惠州中海汤泉的温泉别墅,面积近300平方米,设计师充分融汇了天人合一的设计精髓,以本于自然而又高于自然的独特思考,弘扬传统而又不拘泥于传统,构建了一座人与自然和谐相处的东方意境合院。   素有“半城山色半城湖”美誉的惠州,成为许多人看尽人间繁华,寻求精神皈依的理想之所。屋主夫妇游历世界各地,尽享人间繁宠,却在人生高光时,不舍根脉,渴望一方中式院落,盛放半世乡思。 设计师精准把握屋主诉求,巧借身处徽派建筑群落的环境特点,在弘扬中国传统建筑文脉、营造东方意境美学的同时,引景入室,幕幕入心,成就了这套“虽由人作,宛若天开”的新中式合院居所。 一个院落,三层屋舍,是本案的初始结构。设计师在空间雕琢中尤其注重与环境相融,以马头墙、滴水檐、白粉壁、影壁等元素,重构围合墙体,在保留传统制式住宅格局的同时,通过实墙和窗棂的巧嵌呼应,让建筑与自然实现融会贯通,形成了一个可以互相渗透的庭院聚落。庭院之中,最大程度地尊重地域特点和风俗特点,温泉泳池涤风尘,“闲亭”茶室候流年。 承于徽派风格,而又推陈出新的新中式风格,更侧重人与自然的和谐相处。在窗棂造型、在窗帘配饰、在屏风隔断等随处可见的回字纹,与雕花悬梁隔空对话,再辅以木质家具、大理石台阶、墨色地砖的点缀,氤氲出静谧雅致的东方意境。并大胆开设落地窗、格窗、小轩窗等,与室内天井相互配合,不仅将自然之光引入室内,更将自然之景延伸屋中,缩天地美境于方寸,纳春秋四季于一室,使得景在室内,人在景中,自然彰显出“坐看云卷云舒,静听花开花落”的怡然自得。 作品在空间布局上的设计创新点: 室内的原始空间中,过道狭长、客厅太小、功能分区不明显、厨房不大等缺点,都降低了居住的舒适度。设计师破除了原有结构上的不足,以轴线对称的手法重新诠释每个空间之间的关系,特别是在会客区和餐区,两个空间视觉上灵活贯通。并巧用天花结构和屏风,让物与物之间产生“隔”与“联”,达到空间和时间高度统一的视觉效果。 中式空间常常给人以沉重压抑之感。本案在紧扣中式传统这一主题的同时,特别注重在空间布局中营造灵动、通透之感。无论是人字顶的匠心运用,立柱的独特设计,还是镂空隔断的巧妙铺排,都渲染出空灵通透之感。同时,线条明快、色泽柔和的家具,与浅色飘逸的窗帘遥相呼应,增添了舒适、轻盈之感。 作品在设计选材上的设计创新点:   强调环保性、功能性、实用性,本案所用材质以可循环再生的木结构,以及抗腐蚀较强的麻石为主。整体设计中,以带有木纹的石质地面,反衬木质的屋顶、屏风、家具、窗棂,再恰到好处地点缀太湖石、紫砂壶等,实现气质与韵味的相互融合。 同时,玻璃落地窗、楼梯玻璃扶手等玻璃材质的运用,不仅让增加了空间的灵动感,更实现了光与影的交叠融合,幻化出一副玄妙清奇的艺术画面。 而适当的木皮家具的选用,则在呼应整体氛围的同时,柔和了木质线条的坚硬感和石质地砖的冰冷感,提升整体居住的舒适度。 此外,现代智能控制系统的采用,则满足了现代居所的便捷需求。  未必铺张才是奢华,也未必昂贵才见品质,本案以最适合的材质、最用心的设计、最贴合需求的效果,赢得了屋主夫妇的高度肯定。 女屋主热爱传统文化,优雅精致,所以雕梁画栋、亭台楼阁处,水墨晕染,竹林通幽,花草相间;男屋主好客好茶,热爱艺术,所以“闲亭”茶舍,烹茶论道,博古展区,珍品雅藏。 整体设计中,既留存中式庭院的雅致之境,又天人合一地实现人与自然的和谐共处,因此屋主称赞之余,不由感叹:吾心安处是吾乡! The special feature of this case is that it conceals the landscape elegance among the landscapes and hides the Chinese courtyard in the Chinese community. This hot spring villa, located in Zhonghai Spring of Huizhou city, covers an area of nearly 300 square meters. The designer fully integrates the design essence of the unity of man and nature, with the unique thinking of being based on nature and higher than nature, carrying forward the tradition but not sticking to the tradition, and constructs an Oriental artistic conception courtyard where man and nature live in harmony. Known as "half city mountain lake," Huizhou has become an ideal place for many people to see the prosperity of the world and seek spiritual conversion. The owner and his wife travel around the world to enjoy the world's numerous pets, but in the highlight of life, do not give up the root veins, longing for a Chinese courtyard, full of half-life nostalgia. By precisely grasping the appeal of the house owner, the designer skillfully takes advantage of the environmental characteristics of huizhou architecture group to promote the traditional Chinese architectural context and create the Oriental artistic conception and aesthetics, and at the same time, bring the scene into the room and the curtain into the heart, thus achieving this new Chinese-style courtyard residence "made by people, just like the sky opens". A courtyard, three - storey house, is the initial structure of the case. Designer especially pays attention to harmony with the environment in the space to carve, horsehead walls, dripping eaves, white wall, screen wall elements, such as refactoring enclosing wall, in the traditional pattern of residential landscape at the same time, through the solid wall and Windows embedded echo opportunely, architecture and nature to achieve mastery, can form a mutual penetration of the courtyard settlement. In the courtyard, the characteristics of the region and customs are respected to the greatest extent. The hot spring swimming pool is cleaned of dust and the "leisure pavilion" teahouse is waiting for the passing of time. Inherited from the Hui-style style, but the new Chinese style, more emphasis on the harmony between man and nature. Modelling of window lattice, deserve to act the role of in the curtain, wait for the word grain that can be seen everywhere in screen partition, lie between empty dialogue with carvings suspended beam, complementary again woodiness furniture, marble step, inky floor tile adorn, dense give quiet and refined Oriental artistic conception. And boldly open French Windows, shutters, small inn window, etc., and indoor patio to cooperate with each other, not only to introduce natural light indoor, more will naturally JingYanShen house, beauty condition in heart of heaven and earth, the spring and autumn period and the four seasons in one room, made in an indoor scene, in the landscape, natural highlights "sitting watching clouds scud across, listening flowers bloom" is everywhere. Innovative points in the design of spatial layout: In the original space of interior, corridor is long and narrow, sitting room is too small, functional partition is not apparent, kitchen is not big wait for shortcoming, reduced the comfort that lives. Stylist broke the inadequacy on original structure, reinterpret the relation between each space with the gimmick of axial symmetry, receive a visitor especially area and eat area, two dimensional vision go through flexibly. And use smallpox structure and screen opportunely, make between the thing and thing produce "lie between" with "link", achieve the visual effect with space and time height unified. Chinese style space often gives a person with heavy oppressive sense. This case is close to this theme of Chinese style tradition while, pay special attention to build clever, transparent feeling in dimensional layout. Whether it is the ingenious use of the herringbone top, the unique design of the column, or the ingenious layout of the hollow partition, rendering a sense of ethereal transparency. In the meantime, the furniture with bright line, downy colour and lustre, echo with the curtain of light color elegant at a distance, added comfortable, lightsome feeling. The design innovation points of the works in material selection: Emphasize environmental protection sex, function, practical, this case uses material to be able to recycle the wooden structure that regenerates, and resist corrode stronger hemp is given priority to. In the overall design, the stone ground with wood grain is used as a contrast against the wooden roof, screen, furniture, window lattice, and then appropriately dotted with Taihu stone, purple sand kettle, etc., to achieve the mutual integration of temperament and charm. In the meantime, the application of glass material such as armrest of glass of glass of French window, stair glass is qualitative, let the spirit that increased a space moves feeling not only, more realized light and shade overlap confluence, unreal changes the artistic picture that gives a pair of mysterious and qing Qi. And the choice of appropriate woodskin furniture, while echo integral atmosphere, downy the hard feeling of woodiness line and the cold feeling of stone qualitative floor tile, promote the comfort that whole lives. In addition, the use of modern intelligent control system, to meet the needs of modern housing convenience. Not necessarily extravagant just is costly, also not necessarily expensive just sees quality, this case is qualitative with the most suitable material, the design with the most heart, most the effect that accords with demand, won the height affirmation of house advocate a couple. Female house owners love traditional culture, elegant and delicate, so carved beams, pavilions, pavilions, ink, bamboo forest, flowers and plants alternate; Male house main hospitality good tea, love art, so "leisure pavilion" tea house, cooking tea, ancient exhibition area, treasures elegant collection. In the overall design, it not only retains the elegance of the Chinese courtyard, but also realizes the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. Therefore, when praised by the house owner, I cannot help lamenting that my heart is at peace with my hometown!