Federation Member
IAI银奖-南京六合龙博纳国际影院 Nanjing Liuhe LongHu BONA International Cinema
北京博纳国际影院投资管理有限公司 Beijing BONA international cinema Investment Management Co., Ltd
项目概况: 项目地点:南京市六合区龙湖时代天街四、五层 项目规模:设计面积4502平米,座位数量1441个 竣工时间:2019年12月 团队成员:孟涛 肖志军 设计说明: 项目位于南京市六合区龙湖时代天街商业体内,滚滚长江孕育了六朝古都的金陵气象,深厚的历史积淀和蓬勃的经济,使这个长江经济带上的重要枢纽,像一颗璀璨的明珠,汇聚四面八方的能量。基于项目所处区位及使用者的文化特质,我们希望作品能够汲取长江滔滔不息的精神气势,并且和博纳‘海纳百川’的主旋律精神呼应,这个空间应该就是这些文化的承载者,所有的形象塑造,都围绕这样的主题来进行。 在空间形式处理上采用大开大合的手法,利用建筑本身的高度及空间特点,通过体量与色块来造就气势。这些体块穿插组合,变化丰富,凝重而不沉重,使观影顾客进入空间即有进入剧场的文化氛围。在空间形式处理上采用大开大合的手法,利用建筑本身的高度及空间特点,通过体量与色块来造就气势。这些体块穿插组合,变化丰富,凝重而不沉重,使观影顾客进入空间即有进入剧场的文化氛围。

 Project Overview: Project location: 4th and 5th floor, Shidai street, Longhu, Liuhe District, Nanjing Project scale: the design area is 4502 square meters with 1441 seats Completion date: December 2019 Team mumber:Tao Meng ,Zhijun Xiao Design Description: The project is located in the of the Tianjie street commercial area, Longhu, Liuhe District, Nanjing. The rolling Yangtze River has bred and cultivated the Jinling weather of the Six Dynasties ancient capital. The profound historical accumulation and vigorous economy make this important hub of the Yangtze River Economic Belt look like a bright pearl and gather energy from all directions.Based on the location of the project and the cultural characteristics of the users, we hope that the works can learn from the surging spirit of the Yangtze River and echo the spirit of BONA's theme of "embracing all rivers". The space should be the bearer of these cultures, and all images should be carried out around such a theme.