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品牌希望通过借由寓意深刻的设计触动用户一同探索美和重新认识每日摄入的食物,将珍贵的卡路里留给自然的营养和值得的美味。产品外包装盒模拟从云端俯看大地的视角,外层采用磨砂PP盒设计展现云层的若隐若现。透过外盒可以隐约看到一瓶瓶被刻画上了生机的植物。每一瓶代餐粉的瓶身都采用手绘的方式描绘与产品口味、成分相关联的植物,细节的放大将植物向上而美丽的生命力体现得淋漓尽致,瓶内的内容物则像是象征滋养生命的营养元素。这一系列的设计不仅将品牌的主张通过结构化设计凸显出来,同时也赋予了代餐粉更具特别的意义。 The brand hopes to inspire users to explore beauty and re-recognize the daily food through the profound design, leaving precious calories to natural nutrition and worthy delicacy.The product packaging box simulates the perspective of looking at the ground from the cloud, and the outer layer uses a frosted PP box design to show the looming clouds. Through the outer box, you can vaguely see a bottle of bottle depicting a living plant.Each bottle of meal replacement powder uses hand-painted methods to depict plants related to product taste and ingredients. The magnification of details reflects the upward and beautiful vitality of plants. The contents of the bottle seem to symbolize nourishing life Nutritional elements. This series of design not only highlights the brand's claims through structured design, but also gives meal replacement powder a more special meaning.